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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Spoils, good habits, Maggie and Aaron

With the two big dogs and the territory they feel compelled to patrol, we are always getting parts of dead animals added to the growing collection of bones around the farm. To this point it has been parts of hogs that we are assuming have been shot by local farmers and ranchers. Occasionally a deer part or a cow skull, but we are pretty sure that the dogs do not do the killing, they scavenge the carcass. Sometimes they will fight over a bone but for the most part there are plenty to go around. None of this is appealing to Mama especially the smell of the choicest, rotting carrion.

Mama noticed yesterday that Dodger had something in his mouth as he pranced across the calf lot. She thought it was a large rat and even though she did not want to see, she called him over so she could see what he was eating on. It was a young rabbit. It was so covered with dirt that Mama decided Dodger must have left it buried for several days before retrieving it that morning.

Later on she noticed Dodger re-hiding the carcass. He very carefully selected a spot that the big dogs could not get into – under the stock trailer, which sits very low to the ground. She thought that was pretty clever of our little mongrel. Now Mama and Victoria know why he has not been interested in eating the food they normally feed him. I certainly do not mind as long as his food is taken from the wild animals on the farm and not from the domestic stock.

Neither Mama nor I felt like going to church last night but we went. I told Mama as I hurried to get ready, because I had gotten home pretty late due to meetings at work, that I felt that if we missed for any reason other than a serious illness, debilitating injury or dangerous driving conditions, it would become a stumbling block to us. I do not need any more of those in my life. Going to church is one of those habits of purpose that almost, without exception, brings joy in the doing especially when there is no happy inspiration up front to follow through with the practice. We were among the very last to leave.

As usual, we were very glad we went. Not that anything unusual happened during the service, but rather that we had made the best possible use of the evening; spending it with friends and family, hearing from the Word of God, sharing our needs and burdens with people who really care, hearing their needs and burdens so we can help pray for them also. It is always so much better than anything we could have done at home. When we did get home I went straight to bed.

Maggie and Aaron are settling into their new life pretty well. They have made some great contacts and it will not be too long before they know their way around the area very well. It sounds like Juneau has plenty to offer for shopping and recreation. It will be fun to hear the updates as they explore their surroundings over the summer. I know they are getting plenty of rain which we are not. They are not getting much sunshine, which we are. It would be nice if we could split up the resources but such things are not worth dwelling on. God provides for our needs wherever we choose to be – or wherever He puts us. We need to learn to trust Him and be content and busy working with what we have. They seem to be content and I am happy for them.

Maggie goes to the doctor next week. She could know the sex of the baby then. Mama is anxiously awaiting the news.

Addendum: Maggie called me to tell me she had to go to the ER last night because she was having painful contractions in three minute intervals. After getting thoroughly checked out by the on call OB/GYN she was released. The diagnosis was that the episode had been caused by stress from the move, etc. Time will tell. Meanwhile, pray for the health of mama and baby. They did an ultrasound and determined the sex of the child, but that is her story to tell. I will wait for full confirmation at birth.


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