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Friday, June 13, 2014

Insurance, shopping, pecking orders, lots of work ahead

The insurance adjuster is coming to the farm today to survey the damage to our roof. I have held off on too many repairs in order to leave the scars from the damage clearly visible but after he looks it over I will seal it up thoroughly in so I do not have to cringe every time it rains. I will replace the damaged panels soon but it will have to wait until I have the money and the time to do so. I am praying that insurance will help with the money part. Chase and Makaila, by the way, made out very well on the car they totaled recently.

We are scheduled to look at another property tonight before RU. I do not think I have looked at this this property listing online but Mama assures me that I have. It is south of Decatur. I really wanted to be north of Decatur but we are not finding anything in the price range we are willing to pay. We are trying to be very careful to let go of what we have only under the right circumstances.

I found a property listed on the website of the lender who holds the note to the farm. It too was south of town a few miles from the farm we will look at tonight. Unfortunately we will not have time to see both because of prior commitments, but I am considering taking my lunch hour to go to see that property. I have not gotten permission from Mama yet.

The realtor we agreed to list the farm with has not gotten back in touch with us for the paperwork he will need to start the listing. I realize it is a challenge to sell a farm these days but that is the role he has chosen; I can only hope he is up to the challenge.

As I went around spraying wasp nests on various structures I noticed the rooster and one of the guineas fighting. I got Mama’s attention and she and I watched as the pair continued to spar. I can only guess that the rooster won the contest because the guineas would not go into the coop last night. It will only be a matter of time now before we lose them because they will have to roost in the trees somewhere nearby.

Mama has mixed emotions about the outcome because she likes having the guineas but they have terrorized that poor rooster for months. Now that he has his spurs eh was able to put them in their place – outside of his coop.

This weekend I will finish the trim in the apartment and begin tile work on the shower. We are doing some deep cleaning of areas we have let go too long. That is one of the reasons I think everyone should move at regular intervals. It motivates us to take a hard look at what things we are accumulating and what areas we are neglecting. If only it did not take a move or the prospect of a move to motivate us to do what has been needed all along.

I finally got some much needed rest last night. I am not sure why I am having trouble sleeping. We have been through the struggles of listing and selling property, packing and moving our belongings, prepping a place for showing to prospective buyers, etc.  It very well could be those things interrupting my rest but it seems like something more.

Time will tell.


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