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Monday, June 23, 2014

Rain, house hunting, insurance complications

We are starting to get a lot of rain at the farm. On Sunday morning we got close to three inches and this morning we got another two inches or better. Both times the rain was being blown in sideways. It is making a huge difference in the look of the farm; bringing it to the lush green we have not seen, except in our mind’s eye, since we bought it. It vastly improves the visual effect for our potential sale.

Of course, we cringe every time the rains come because we have not yet made the full repairs to the roof yet. I did patch the holes with some roofing tar in order to hold back the majority of the rain and so far it has proved effective, but that does not keep me and Mama from worrying every time the wind blows the rain onto the shop and apartment and the last two rains have been hard driven rains.

Mama and I went out soul winning Saturday morning and had several really good visits but it was Victoria that got someone to come to church with us. She invited one of the girls her age that had gone to the fingernail party with her Friday night and we picked her up on our way Sunday morning. After the service she met with the Pastor and got assurance of her salvation. It was a great morning.

We even took her along with us since we had been invited out to lunch after church. The couple that had us over is just beginning over in life – spiritually, physically and materially. They fed us out of their meager supply (happily adding the extra person to the meal) and it was a wonderful time of fellowship. Our guest really enjoyed it also.

Saturday evening Mama found a property that I thought we worth the time to do a drive by. It was pretty late in the evening but there was still plenty of light and I had finished all I was going to be able to do, so we took a small road trip. What we found was definitely worth a second look. We will probably set it up for Saturday afternoon to meet with a realtor to get a closer look. I have not been told yet.

Having lived on the farm for two years now and having invested the money, sweat and emotional energy we have it is difficult to imagine living elsewhere. However much we may be able to get in the new property we find and purchase there will be some corresponding loss in what we will leave behind on the farm. This is difficult process for Mama and me but I know God is in it.

On Friday I submitted a question to the lender on our mobile home. Since it is the focus of the insurance we have on the farm they are considered a concerned party in the disbursement of funds from our insurer. I got a standard answer through a return email so Friday afternoon I called for clarification. It was not a warm, helpful conversation.

I will call back this morning to see if I can get the help I need in order to get the money released for our use. I have been praying all weekend for the wisdom and favor of God in the conversation.


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