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Thursday, September 4, 2014

Projects, Alfredo, Becky

Yesterday was a very busy day at the office. For the past several weeks things have been pretty hectic but for the past few days they have been extremely hectic. It is often difficult to identify exactly what the cause is but I get the feeling that people are frantic in their particular roles in support of our business and I am the one who coordinates all the activities related to running the offices so it eventually filters through me and my staff.

With the end of the year quickly approaching there are multiple projects that are scheduled to be completed by the close of the year and the sense of urgency is building. Fortunately, I have the large majority of my assignments at or very near completion so I can focus the necessary attention to helping others get their assignments progressed; but it makes for some long days.

 Speaking of project completion dates; Mama and I had a little talk last night after church. As we had been talking to people at the church about our plans to buy property and build Mama was enthusiastically telling our friends that she hopes to be in the home we are building on the property by Christmas – this year. In her heart I am pretty sure she knows better but since we are not actually going to be able to close in the property until the 10th of October I would need the Extreme Makeover crew to pull off a move in date at any time this year.

We laughed as we talked but we did get a chance to fully express our wishes, concerns and visions concerning the move.

Brittany is continuing to work with Alfredo to coordinate dates for him and his family to come to the US to visit us. Mama is hoping for the week of Thanksgiving but I am not sure how the timing will actually come together. It is exciting that he wants to come and see us and share his family with us. Mama is excited that he still calls us Mom and Dad.

Becky got in touch with Mama yesterday or the day before. It has been some time since we have heard from her. At one point in July we were notified that she would be turning off her phone but nothing past that until this week. She told Mama that she was in a wreck on the way home from a job interview and her car was totaled. That was her only transportation so I am not sure where things stand right now. She is in need of our prayers but I am hesitant to offer too much help without really knowing how she is living her life at the moment.

It is a difficult situation as a Daddy.


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