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Friday, March 9, 2018

Small victories

After Mama had a very frustrating morning with the Nubian goats again, we found them all in their enclosure when we got home after work yesterday evening. It is not a big thing. They are easy to herd back into a familiar area, but, as you all know, it is rarely the big things in this life that give us the most angst. There was some talk of selling the goats, selling the farm, etc., but all that flew away through the remainder of the day. With the panels Mama and I put in place and the metal pieces used to reinforce in areas the panels did not cover, I am just glad it does not look like something we might see back in the hollows of Mama’s home state. For now, we will continue on. After all, Mama just ordered twenty more chicks for us and ten chicks each for Alissa and Kimberlyn respectively. So, by the end of the month I have to be set up to raise 40 baby chicks. Our farm will still have all the normal sounds, the barking of dogs, the bleating of goats, the lowing and bawling of cattle and the clucking of chickens. Soon, I assume we will add a pig – when I have the goats out of that area.

Another small victory happened last night as Mama and I were working on our business. Within this business we are setting up two LLCs. A couple weeks ago we were asked to select names for those legal entities. Somewhere along the way those names got overlooked as we progressed toward completing the paperwork for the LLCs. Monday, I got word that we were at the point of confirming the mailing address and the names for the entities, so I got an extra chance to register the names Mama and I had originally selected. When I responded to the email asking for final confirmation I anticipated a response but did not get one over a three-day period. Last night, as we spoke to our liaison with US Tax Lien Association, we let her know we were awaiting a response – and we got one within a few minutes. We got to register the names that we wanted for our two LLCs. That was a blessing. Names, addresses and phone numbers are now being registered. Accounts will be created and funded, and Mama and I can start to do business.

Meanwhile, back ion the farm. All seven pups are healthy and growing quickly. With only seven to nurse, Kira is flooded with milk, so the pups are always full. I should have taken a picture of the litter, but I do not take my phone with me when I am at home or working around the farm. This weekend will be an exception since Mama will be traveling and spending several nights away. Honestly, I have only looked in on the pups once since they were born. That was last night. When I went out to close up the chickens for the night, I also closed the door to the puppy ward because Mama had left it open when she had last tended to Kira and the litter. The night was not going to be overly cold, but it was cooling down too much to let all the colder air into the small building. Grandpa did a good job on the little structure. It is well insulated and stays warm with just a small heater or a heat lamp.

Victoria had not anticipated the cool morning, so she had not turned on the heater last night when she tended to the pups. This morning, when she went out to check on everyone, Kira had moved all the pups under the heat lamp. It was only 45°F, but that was cool enough that the little ones needed a bit of help staying warm. Victoria is off today so she will spend a good portion of the day fussing over the pups. By the end of the day they will have names – and I should have pictures to share.


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