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Thursday, January 16, 2020

Class yesterday, gone, Victoria, class today

I was unexpectedly asked to go to the class we were presenting in town yesterday. Another instructor was presenting the class, but my supervisor asked me to attend for moral support. I did not get the memo until I logged into my computer and checked my emails. It turned out to be a good thing I went. I was able to help in several different discussions throughout the day. I was also able to smooth over a couple questions that the instructor did not know how to answer. He was more than glad for the help each time it was offered so it all worked out for the best. While I sat in the back of the class, I was able to prepare for the class I taught today. At the very least, I got the day out of the office and a great lunch with some great people.

Because of the way my fellow instructor times his classes I did not leave the Convention Center until well after 4 pm. even at that, I left before the class had ended. I am guessing it continued for another forty minutes or so after I bugged out. All the dogs were desperate to get outside. Victoria had put Sandy outside for the day because she had given the dog some worming medicine. I maintained that arrangement throughout the short time I was at home.  By the time I got the dogs taken care of and the feeding done, it was time to get ready for church.

We had a missionary speak last night. He and his family are going to Vietnam. He gave a great sermon on giving. One of the statements he made early in his sermon was this. “Money only makes the possible a reality.” That is a powerful statement. I do not know if he came up with it, but I will certainly use it in the future. The rest of the sermon was equally powerful. I am glad (as always) that I went. Mama did not get any church last night. The church Brittany and Andrew attend does not have Sunday night or Wednesday night services. I tend to thrive on the extra.  

When I got home from church, Victoria was handing Sandy over to another family. YAY! The mother and sone were visibly thrilled to have the dog. In fact, Victoria told them that Sandy was wet from the slobbers of the larger dogs. Both of them try to pin her down in their play. The son quickly offered to give Sandy a bath so she could sleep with him that night. Have at it! I did not horrible dislike the dog, I was just not willing to make a fifteen-year commitment to that particular animal. I am happy to see her gone before I am solely responsible for her care throughout the extended weekend.  

That starts today. Victoria left in the pouring rain to head to Brittany’s. She had the time off and did not want to waste the time at the farm. Not that I blame her. She should arrive this evening if she is able to make the trip without incident. I will go home to the dogs and goats this evening. That arrangement will continue through Saturday afternoon when Mama is expected home.

I taught a class today, but it was a small class. Only four participants, so it went very quickly. This class is the one that I really enjoy teaching. It was a full day. Since it has been raining all day, it will be a full, wet evening.


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