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Thursday, January 9, 2020

Mama’s phone, our Savanna, Randy. house news

Mama took her phone to the Apple store yesterday. The store is about an hour away from where we live but is in an area with enough stores around it that Mama could make the trip work on several levels. We expected the repair to take some time and further expected to wait for a technician for a while. So, I was surprised when Mama called me about 10:40 to tell me she was done. The phone was reset, and all the mistakes had been corrected. Going in the morning had been a good choice. The technicians were not busy yet, so Mama got helped as soon as she arrived. The reset/repair took about forty minutes to complete. No charge. Now Mama’s phone is working much better. It no longer thinks it is an iPhone 7 or that it is my phone. I only wish my confusion would be so easy to solve.

Over the past few days Cori has shared with us some of the hilarious things Savanna has said. That poor child is way ahead of her age. She was confiding in her mommy a few days ago that she wanted to marry one little guy they know, but he would not talk to her. So, she left off with him and looked to another little fellow, but he talked too much. Oh, the hardships of picking out the right husband when you are only five years old. Later she told her daddy that she wanted to pick out her house. She is into this marriage thing pretty deeply. When her daddy told her that it would be best for her to wait and let her husband pick out their house, her response was, “But he’s not a good picker.”  She then asked if it was better to get married at six years old or seven years old. Her daddy said that was not going to happen until she was twenty-six years old. She did not like that arrangement. We will be much in prayer for the future spouse of this child. Staying ahead of that quick little mind will be a constant challenge for her parents…and her grandparents.

I was feeling pretty rough when I got home yesterday evening. Nothing specific. Just overall feeling poorly. In Spanish they call it “la gripa” After we ate a small dinner, I laid back in the recliner and slept for about twenty minutes. I did not feel any better, but I did not feel any worse. I struggled through getting ready for church and we all went. I am always glad when we go to church. Last night was no exception. Being around our church family is always uplifting. Mama and Victoria got their baby fix with Savanna; Trace and Krystal’s youngest. I got to speak some Spanish with a man who is attending BBTI this year. The pastor preached on experiencing the Lord in our lives. His salvation. His leading through His Word and by the Holy Spirit. His provisions for our lives. All areas of our lives. His attentiveness to our prayers and the answers to those prayers that can only be attributed to Him. His correction and instruction in our daily walk. It was a great sermon. It was a great time with friends and with the Lord.

Mama and I contacted Randy a couple nights ago. If possible, we will use him to build the mini-homes we want to build in the next year or so. It will take a lot of planning and a lot of money to get this done, but we are starting to explore the options. We are currently in contact with a bank to get the paperwork in place to arrange the financing for such a project. We are in the infant stages, but Mama is completely on board with the project. In fact, she is the motivating force behind the forward progress. Contacting the banks. Contacting local realtors. Shopping land listings. She really wants to get this done. We are only about eighteen months and 1.2 million dollars away from collecting rent on the little homes. So close. Randy is about as excited as Mama is. I am very interested, but I have a lot of work ahead of me. Especially as we work to convince the bank that this is a worthy investment. Randy is supposed to have some floor plans for us to look at this week. For now, even the baby steps are somewhat daunting.

Our realtor in Lawton is excited about the progress on the Dover property. Mama and I have not seen any pictures, nor have we made the trip to look at the home ourselves, but we are hopeful that the home will be listed this month. We are praying for a quick sale. That cash influx would be very welcome. Meanwhile, progress on the Aberdeen property continues. I have posted the dates for this year’s foreclosure sales on my calendar, but we will not be able to go to any of the January of February sales. Hopefully, by March, we can be active participants again. By June, we hope to be able to participate in the Arkansas tax sales. Time and money permitting.

Time will tell. God is good.


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