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Thursday, April 16, 2020

Deposits, Victoria’s car, shopping with Grandma

It would appear that the stimulus checks are making their way into the bank accounts of those we know. Last night we were told by several people that the deposits had been made into their accounts. They were gleeful at the sudden increase in those balances. Mama and I have not seen that happen for us, but we rejoice with those who needed and received the money. I am not sure if we will get such a check, but it appears likely we will. When? I do not know, but it has proved a blessing to those who have already gotten theirs. Since Mama and I have owed taxes every year for the last several years, I am not even sure if I have direct deposit information on my returns. Plus, we file our taxes through our company, so that will complicate the transaction a bit. God’s timing is always perfect. It will be perfect in this as well.

Victoria will get her car back today. Late yesterday Roger called to tell Mama he could not pinpoint the issue, though he had tried to make the starting issue present itself to him. He has a strong suspicion that the issue is caused by a leaking injector, but that is a difficult thing to definitively isolate since it could be any one of the six on the engine. He did not charge us anything for his diagnostic work, which is good. But he was not able to fix the problem, which is not good. Victoria will have to live with the car as is for the moment. Roger believes the car will eventually start as needed – even if it fails a time or two. Until the situation gets far worse, we will work around it. Victoria is excited to get her car back. She and Mama drove to Bowie early thing morning so Victoria could pick it up.

Later this morning, Mama will be taking Grandma and Grandpa to a doctor’s appointment in Denton. She will be chauffeuring them around most of the late morning and early afternoon. They will be making their stops at WinCo, Sam’s and Kroger’s. This trip will be Grandma and Grandpa’s grocery outing for the month. They stock up on what they need and buy little bits as needed to supplement through the remainder of the month. It is better for them to limit their time out right now. Whether the danger be from the flu, a cold, or the corona virus. They are in the most effected age range and have the underlying comorbidity issues associated with deaths credited to any of the above seasonal infections.

Since Mama had to rush out of the house to get Victoria to her car this morning before Victoria was scheduled for work, I had to feed the calf her bottle. While I was doing so, I walked the calf into the boy goat paddock very near where we have her little stall. She was so focused on her bottle that she gave little heed to the fact that I was leading her somewhere new. I felt like she needed to get some exercise and have something to graze on. She, upon finishing her bottle and realizing she was in a much larger area, began to explore the area. As she got her bearings, she began the little skip dance that baby animals do. Their happy dance. She ran at top speed along the fence adjoining the quarry lake property and bawled at the cows she could see through the fence. She really needed the extra room. She eventually settled down. I will be checking on her through the day to make sure the goats are not bothering her too badly, but for the moment, they seem disinterested and she has found the hay we have in the paddock for the goats. That really captured her interest.

Pastor is supposed to come over this evening to go fishing. It should be a beautiful day to do so. He still has our portion of the catch from the last time we were out on the quarry lake. Hopefully, we will get stocked up on fish before the dog days of summer hit. At most fishing spots the fish stop biting through those very hot times. Besides, it is just too hot to be out on the water in those times.

So, we are making the most of the opportunity while we can.


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