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Friday, June 4, 2021

An encouragement, testing

The class yesterday was a very good class. There were eight people in the class and almost to a person they were involved in the class from the beginning. Lots of anecdotal storied were added to the class from the participants. On several occasions, stories were shared that confirmed what I was presenting. That is always a power reinforcement to the material I cover I the class. Every now and then, I get to lead one of these classes and it is always encouraging to get such supportive feedback through the class. It was especially encouraging because I was coughing quite a bit through the class. Everybody took it in stride and even thanked me for leading the class when it was obvious I was not feeling well. By the time I finished up at work and got home, I was exhausted. So much so that Mama offered to close up the chickens so I could go to bed early. With Daylight Savings Time, it is not getting dark enough for the chickens to go to roost until a little after 9 pm. Thanks to Mama’s offer, I was in bed an hour before that.

Mama and I are both on the mend, but since she told the pastor yesterday that she suspected she had COVID, I insisted that we both go and get tested to make sure one way or the other. Her pronouncement more or less forced me into a corner as far as my responsibility to those I work with and those we attend church with. There are still many in the church who are paranoid about COVID, so we have to be able to say yes or no when asked if we were infected with that virus specifically. If infected, there is a protocol I have to follow to be in compliance at work. It is necessary to be sure if I am required to do so or not. Thought I certainly will do so if needed, I am not going to go through the isolation and rescheduling required of me if I do not have to.

Since we were able to schedule the tests at the CVS here in Decatur, it was a pretty easy appointment to set up. What was a bit challenging was getting the test scheduled online. I got mine scheduled via the computer and while Mama tried to do the same on her cell phone, she ended up scheduling herself for a test at a CVS almost a half hour away.  So, we had to cancel that appointment. I was then able to get online via the computer and get her test scheduled for the ten-minute slot following mine. Even though it took twenty minutes to get the test kits once we showed up, it was easy to do since we administered the test to ourselves. Not knowing where we stand as far as infection, we came straight back home. Hopefully, we will know the results tomorrow. Once the results come in, I will let persons responsible to deal with COVID protocols at both work and church know the results as recorded Although I am not thrilled about the accuracy of such testing, it is the best we can do for now.

For obvious reasons, Mama and I are not planning much this weekend. We will not be going to church – just to be on the safe side. Besides if we are still coughing, that would be too distracting to everyone in the church, not just to those who sit near us. How much work is done at the farm Saturday remains to be seen. Mama wants to mow later today and that is feasible since it is mostly work done by the mower. I need to check the progress the bees are making on the honey supers. That too is feasible. How much else gets done – chores which require more energy than those listed - is questionable. I told Mama that if I have the energy, I will go fishing for a couple hours this evening.

Even that is questionable.


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