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Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Does this ever end? Slowly homeward

It seems we are in one of those annoying patterns where lots of little things pile up until it is somewhat overwhelming. I have been stressed out about the malfunctioning of the pressure tank on the well for the house. Everything I have tried has proven ineffective to correct the constant cycling issue. So, I am at the point that the tank must be replaced in order to save the well pump and control box. A simple task in theory. A difficult task in practice. Meanwhile, we have been having electrical issues within the chicken coop. In checking the breaker for that power, I have pretty certainly determined that a rat probably chewed through the wiring at some point and shorted out that power. Finding that chewed spot will prove challenging.

Additionally, our electric bill for the farm has doubled for the last two months and I have little ability to affect that charge other than turning down the thermostat and keeping the lights off. Neither option appeals to Mama. The cost of fuel for the two vehicles Mama and I drive has also doubled limiting our mobility but encouraging us to plan all our trips away from home more carefully. The two last problems are common across the nation. The first two are somewhat unique to our farm. April is going to be an expensive month for travel expenses and Mama’s business, with all the Spring launches, is requiring a larger influx of cash than I have been prepared for. Nothing urgent or life altering, but problems that have to be dealt with none-the-same.

The fact that all these needs, both required and selected, pull from the single income flow we have at this time. Unfortunately, that has not doubled or even significantly increased recently making the choices difficult for those things we can actually exercise some control over. While our expenses increase in unexpected ways and our household bills remain ever constant, we are forced to look hard at everything we can reduce from our budget to make all this work out from a fixed amount of income. Nothing out of the ordinary. Almost everyone I know if fighting the same battle. Sadly, almost everyone I know is losing ground in the same battle. Just like you, I have to choose how I will respond to the challenge.

So far, I am not acting very heroically. I am not a coward, but neither am I a quitter. However, getting past the feeling of being beaten down takes a unique perspective. Fortunately, I know the Lord is fully in control and though I am not happy with the circumstances, the circumstances do not determine my joy. Please forgive my moment of self-pity. This too will pass and there will be victory to enjoy in only a short while. I do hate to disappoint Mama. So when she asked about buying two piglets to raise, I had to shoot down the idea because I cannot a way to afford the extra feed for them in the months ahead.

On to important things. Cori and Blake are on the way home. Praise the Lord! This has been a very helpful visit for both of them. A frightfully expensive visit as they gathered the medical items and supplies to treat his diabetes for the next several months. We are certainly praying for their safety in travel, but I am focused on praying that all the medical supplies they have with them will make it through customs once they arrive in Honduras. There is always the temptation on the part of customs officials to make the return with such supplies difficult and expensive. Please pray the reentry will go smoothly.

Right now, Cori and Blake are in the airport in Miami waiting nine hours on a connecting flight. While Cori was talking with Mama this morning, she had to go in search of Blake. Blake had gone to the bathroom and had been gone for a lot longer than Cori anticipated. Her search of the nearest restroom was fruitless, so she hurried off in the same direction in which Blake had left her and after some additional searching found Blake, nervous and visibly upset, heading in her direction. He had turned the wrong direction coming out of the restroom and had gotten completely lost. Fortunately, he realized his mistake after traveling in the wrong direction for a good distance. Crisis averted, but it was a truly panic filled few minutes.

They should be home late this evening. No matter where home is, it is always nice to be there.


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