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Friday, March 25, 2022

Shopping locally, sprouting, timing

I had a wild idea of going to Denton yesterday evening so Mama and I could go to Sam’s for a couple items we typically purchase there. The items on our short list were available elsewhere for a slightly higher price and smaller volume, but Sam’s was our typical vendor for what we were interested in purchasing. However, after spending $75 to fill the Sequoia, (It was at ¼ tank.) I had to rethink the unnecessary excursion. It would burn about $25 worth of gas just to make the round trip and it would almost certainly not cost us that much extra for the purchases we sought to make. So, we did our shopping locally to save ourselves the money it would cost to refill the gas tank. There are enough trips that will be required of us in the days ahead, an extra, avoidable trip was not a good way to spend that gasoline. Fortunately, Mama understands the concept of gasoline being spent on miles has a direct impact on our budget. So, mileage has become a part of our budgeting process.

Mama and I are already starting to see sprouts on the small starter containers we planted last weekend. All the plants, when mature enough will be repotted or planted in the garden, but it is nice toe see that the seeds we planted were viable. With the new pressure tank on the well I can water the garden without concern, but I will need to replace a hydrant I put on the West side of the garden because it is not functioning properly. I will need access to water on that side of the garden to avoid dragging one hundred feet of hose through the garden to be able to reach all the plants and trees. Doing that in the past caused some damage as the hose, if I did not pay very close attention, would flatten plants to the ground as I was dragged over them. Hopefully, I can get that water outlet replaced this evening.

What I have learned over the past few years of trial and error is just how much water is required by the vegetables and flowers growing in the garden. I had a better grip on that need when I began to test the moisture in the soil using a meter that could show me a real value for how dry the soil was and how quickly the water I put on the evaporated or otherwise dissipated away from the plants I was caring for. This year I have the potted potatoes to alert me to the need for water which should be close to the needs of the potatoes planted in the garden. Those potato plants are now breaking through the dirt in the rows Mama and I created. When I see the flower seeds evidence themselves, I will be very pleased.

Our church friends that bought the pair of goats a few months ago are rushing to separate the male and female because nature has taken its course and the little doe is in heat. As would be expected, the little buck is doing what nature dictated he should do. Since the pair is far too young to breed – which we hope has not already happened – we will be keeping the female for a few weeks while a separate area is built to house the two apart from each other. Mama was very careful in her warnings as the purchase was being negotiated that the two would need separate areas in the very near future, but the message was not received with the understanding of how quickly that need would arise. Hence the urgency. Since we are going to separate and regroup our herd this weekend the timing to add the little doe back into our flock is spot on. We will not have her for long.

A couple weeks ago, Mama suggested we buy a couple young pigs from a friend of hers and originally, I rejected the idea, however, I am rethinking that. It would be good to have the ability of fill our freezers with our own meat. But with the need for the pig building to temporarily house our young does, we will not be able to entertain a pig purchase until late June or early July. We can make a decision at that time. There seems to be a plentiful supply of piglets available for purchase. I told Mama I do not want to build any more enclosures for goats right now. So, we have to work with what we have available.

Next week I will be teaching classes on Monday and Wednesday. I will be going with Mama to her dental appointment to have her tooth extracted on Tuesday. A full start to the week. The week following, Mama and I will be traveling Monday through Wednesday, so time to write will be limited. Things slow down a bit after that for a short while but starting April 1st we will be returning to the office two days per week. I have mixed emotions about that. It is a Monday/Wednesday rotation for my group. Since many of the classes I teach take place on Tuesday and Thursday, I will not be in the office much – being able to substitute those days for my group rotation requirements.

Anyway, the weekend ahead will be very busy. Goat movements, waterline work, electrical repairs in the coop (if I get around to that.), hive changes to move from Winter to summer mode, yard work, general cleanup and all the required chores around the farm.

Hopefully, I am up to the task. Time will tell how much help Mama and I need so I do not continue hurting myself.


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