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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Day 2010

Presents are unwrapped and dinner is eaten and even cleared away. Desserts are set out and untouched. Conversations are winding down and it looks like naps are in order. All in all, this has been a good Christmas; not for the sake of what was given, rather what has been given to us.

It is a day to count our blessings in family, friends, church, etc. It is a day to remember that the “Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” That the Creator would set aside his Glory to become as human as His Creation is a mystery we will never be able to understand, but one in which we can forever rejoice.

If we accept current thought that the Christ child was born in late September, which has merit, it only means that the celebration of Christmas is relavent to his conception which would have resulted in his birth in late September; nine nonths later. That is a testimony of what God’s idea of life is and where it begins. Just a thought. The gifts I gave cost me money. The gift he gave cost his glory, and in the end, his life.

One of the presents Chase was given was a “Kinect”. It is an external that hooks up to the X-Box and captures a players movements, translating them to avatar movemnets on the screen. It came with one game which required us to rearrange the livingroom furniture in order for two players to have enough room to exercise the range of motion to complete the game. It was actually fun to watch.

Victoria was playing so hard in one of the games that she was seriously out of breath. She was not so warn down that she avoided Chase’s challenge to beat her score, but she was getting tired. It has never made sense to me; perhaps it never will. My family seems to enjoy the experience, Mama included, but I still will not participate; other than funding the exercise in entertainment.

I have a full agenda which I have waited until after the first of the year to start so my time of repose is coming to an end. I was talking with Mama the other day about the projects I need to begin in January and both of us are questioning how I will be able to get things done. I will have to give up any TV and most eveining running around for a couple of years, but the sacrifice will be worth it if I can focus and succeed. I will know by June or July of 2011.

This coming week I will finish reading through the Bible in Spanish. Next year I will read it in both languages – along with some real projects.

Merry Christmas to all!


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