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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Job search, packing and planning, Rosie, goals met

I have to give credit where credit is due and recognize Chase’s efforts to secure a job. He has been interviewed by Sears and will go today to get his drug screening done. He is also returning his application to the Verizon kiosk in the mall on the recommendation of a person working there whom he met while working at Chick-fil-a. It always helps to have someone to recommend you to a prospective employer.

He and I will be leaving for Bowie today – sometime. I hope to be out of the office by 11 a.m. so we can leave by 1 p.m. That would put us there in time to make it to church, but I do not know if I will make that departure time or not. There is a lot that I have to take care of today in the Borger office and much of it is time bound and dependent on others. We will see.

We both spent some time packing up for the trip which extends into the next three weeks. For me, it will be a month before I get back to the Borger office. It is a challenge to set things in motion that will carry on the work in my absence for that length of time, but thankfully I have very capable staff that make my life pretty easy. It amazes me that my peers think I have the worst job in the asset when I think I have one of the best ones. It is a secret I should guard carefully and enjoy it as long as it lasts.

The A/C did not get looked at yesterday so we started off the night pretty hot. It did cool down significantly outside. The temperature this morning was sixty one degrees. Inside the house it was still seventy six degrees. I guess Chase got too cold last night as he watched the beginning of the playoff series because the fan was turned off on the A/C unit. When I went to bed it was only circulating hot air. I almost restarted it this morning before I left but decided against it since Chase is not very cold tolerant.

Mama and Jake are enjoying the farm. Mama was picking green beans just before I called yesterday afternoon. She remarked how much of a strain it was on her back. I do not know if Jake was helping or into some other activity but he was on her heels as we talked. Between comments and Grandma coaching Mama on what to say I was having a hard time understanding the conversation. I warned her about the coming rain so I think she went back to finish up what she had set aside until later.

Mama told me Rosie must have been bitten or stung the night before because her face was very swollen. They gave her Benadryl and it seemed to help. She was eating and drinking okay so she will recover. This is after she was sprayed by a skunk on Saturday night. I am not sure if farm living is the life for her. We will have to be very careful with Lucy in her time there since she is even smaller than Rosie. All in all, I would rather the stings or bites happen to the dogs versus us.

While in Decatur this time I will be able to conduct interviews to cover the job one of my ladies is vacating in order to take a job in another department – thankfully in the same office. The one leaving has a wealth of experience and insight that will help in getting her replacement grounded very quickly. It is always helpful to have a good resource nearby. Most everyone will be happy with this choice. For those that aren’t, tough luck.

It has been a mad dash to get some of these things done in the time offered, both things at work and things in our private lives, but it all seems to be coming together – and in better ways than I had hoped in many cases. Finances still weigh heavily on us but that seems to be the national norm at the moment and the Lord has allowed me and Mama to do a lot with the little we have.

Tax time next year will complete the payout of the loss we suffered on the house in New Jersey. It has been three years since we had to sell at a loss of over $65000. Many of our friends in the area will not recover the setback for a decade or more.

I feel blessed.


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