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Friday, June 8, 2012

Safe arrival, Jake and Lucy, on the road again

Mama, Jake and Chase got home safely yesterday evening. The plane arrived on time – about 5 p.m. Brittany, Makaila and I got there in time to meet them at baggage claim. As delighted as I was to see everyone – especially Mama – I did not anticipate how much luggage they had; six large suitcases, three carry on bags and the assorted personal items. Aside from having the big van, I would have had trouble no matter what vehicle I had brought. After folding down the back seats, squeezing the four passengers on the two middle seats and force fitting the luggage in the back we headed home. Fortunately it is only about ten minutes from the airport to the house. I will miss that when we relocate to Bowie – whenever that is. It is currently a priority item on my prayer list.

Lucy and Jake hit it off pretty well but soon Jake, who is used to a ten year old Dachshund, tired of her energy. For about the first two hours he chased her around the house as she ducked behind everything available, including my legs. He managed to catch her several times but did not retain possession for very long. As they were getting settled into bed he sadly announced, “Mama Kim, I can’t sleep with this dog.” So she was confined to her kennel for the duration of the night. Sometimes that cage is safety and she knows it.

Brittany, Chase and Makaila went to her house so Chase could say hello to the parents and I have no idea what time they got home. I was long asleep by whatever time that was. When I got up to go to work this morning, Jake was asleep on the couch with the TV still on. I turned on a lamp and turned off the TV before I left the house, but in the confused arrangement of the house this morning I failed to pick up by computer bag. I was almost to Borger before the oversight dawned on me. I had to turn around and go back. It was a good thing I left about forty five minutes earlier than normal since all that time was wasted returning to Amarillo before I could get to work.

Brittany will leave this morning to go to Arkansas. I do not know how long she will stay there but being there on a Sunday is good planning since many of her contacts there are through the church. I repacked her car so I could fit one of the rear seats from the little van into her packed items. Her car really is full now. Mama squeezed a few items in to be delivered to Cori but they were mostly small. We both made sure there was room for her suitcase and bathroom bag – but just barely.

Mama and Jake will head to the farm on Monday carrying Lucy with them. Chase and I will follow on Wednesday. From there it will be on to the wedding followed by a few days of vacation. Cori and Nate will be able to breathe a huge sigh of relief when this month is over. Their generosity has been a great blessing to all involved and a considerable strain for them.

Such things are never easy and rarely convenient. Maybe that is why a fortune cookie message seemed so relevant to me when Mama and I were out to lunch with Mrs. Patrick several weeks ago. “It takes more that a good memory to make good memories.” Often it takes time, herculean effort and enormous inconvenience to register the great memories, but mostly it takes an attentive heart and the realization that every moment can be a memory.

Having anticipated this for some weeks now, it seems to have come upon us suddenly. I cannot imagine how Brittany and Andrew feel.


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