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Monday, September 24, 2012

Day off – sort of, newborns

I am officially off today even though I have sat in a meeting for an hour, answered twenty emails and answered three phone calls. We have two delightful gentlemen at the house today packing all of our things into boxes to be shipped to the farm – in a couple months. Much of the house is done and the attached garage is done. They are now working on the kitchen – that is the part Mama hates the most so she is thrilled someone else is doing it – and the detached garage.

I know there is a lot of stuff here but I also know that we hauled a lot of things to the farm already and in the move from Fairfield to Jennie, we threw out a lot of little things. I have a feeling that when we go through the boxes after they arrive in Bowie, we will be walking some of the things to the dumpster there. We have so much; much less than when we moved from Victoria to New Jersey, but still way too much.

I am stumbling across so many things that need to go to one of my daughters – or to Chase. I cannot find anything that needs to go to Joshua, but that is a good thing. All of it will be in Bowie by the year end and the only child who will not be closer to us there is Brittany - until she and Andrew relocate to Mississippi by February of next year. I just hope we can find the boxes then.

Victoria called a few minutes ago to tell me that the dairy farmer called today to tell them they have three at one farm and another three at the brother’s farm. So this evening they will go to pick them up. The first calves are from seven to ten days old.  The work has begun. Be praying that the calves do well and we are wise in their care. Now Mama wants to be there right away.

I will be back at work tomorrow…it will be less confusing to stop and write.


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