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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Another approach, paperwork, fun quips, the big dogs

Mama and Grandpa made a lot of progress on the little metal shed yesterday. Grandpa reinforced the structure with 2x4s at the bottom and corners of the structure. He did a very neat job of it. He also added a top rail to carry the top of the sides and the edge of the roof as they meet. It made the assembly much easier. They should be finished today.

That would be a very good thing since the chickens are exposed to the elements every night. They have roosts and a small nesting box in the kennel they are now housed in, but it is an open chain link fence style structure and Mama really wants them to have a place to sleep that is somewhat sheltered.

So far we have had no issues with coons and the covering on the kennel keeps the chicken hawks at bay. Saturday evening, when Grandpa and I were working on the hay ring in the barn, the wild chickens were scratching around near Daisy May. I heard a faint sound that could have been a bird noise and the chickens scurried for the shelter if the barn. I guess it was a hawk. They certainly thought it was. So I know we have to guard against them for the sake of our domesticated chickens.

Mama and Victoria are going to Denton this morning to hand deliver the paperwork required of Victoria. There was quite a bit of information that came in the mail yesterday. It was mailed because the banker did not have written permission to share the information with me and Mama. We have taken care of that little detail so there should be a slightly faster pace to the communication going forward.

One of the troubling items in the good faith estimate is the guestimate of money due at closing. It looks like Victoria and Grandpa will have to put an extra $6500 into the pot along with the $5000 down payment at closing. That could be a deal breaker since I am not enthused about putting up that kind of money for a project house. We will see what comes of it as Mama and Victoria talk to the banker this morning.

I am currently reading a book by Brad Thor called “Act of War”. In one portion of the book there is some lighthearted banter between the agents working a surveillance assignment. When the female agent selects a couple cookies from the snacks that have been set out, one of the male agents quips, “A moment on the lips; forever on the hips.” I will have to remember that one; and use it sparingly.

Mama, Victoria and I went to FBI last night at the church. It was another great class. While we were preparing to go and even when we were on our way each of us would rather have not had to go but once the lecture started we forgot our weariness and soaked in the Bible instruction. If seminary had been taught with that much passion, I would have enjoyed so much more.

Sam and Sasha have adapted to the new place. I think they are still expanding their boundaries at the moment but they know where they are supposed to focus their attention so they stay right at the house most of the night. The little pigs are not seen as a threat by them (probably because of Mama’s pot belly pigs) so we have them rooting near the house almost nightly. At least it appears that way. They do not let anything else get that close. I am not sure why but their barking through the night does not bother any of us, but it does not. Mama finds it comforting to hear them; reminding us they are on duty.

Look up Caucasian Shepherd. They were also mentioned in the book I am reading.


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