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Thursday, April 30, 2015

Mission’s Conference, a long week of late nights

Last night was the last night of our Mission’s Conference. It has been a good one. There was a great attendance every night for both the dinners and the services. As Tommy Ashcraft was beginning to speak last night he did a few one liners about the differences between men and women. Most I had heard, but a few were new.

Married men, he said, will not remember their mistakes since there is no sense in two people remembering. Additionally, married men will live longer than single men although they are generally more willing to die. In talking about the meals we have had before each service he remarked that after he loses ten pounds he will be down to the weight he thought he would never reach. His humor was wonderful. His sermons powerful. It proved to be a delightful combination.

I did not lead the singing any this week because of the bronchitis that I am struggling with. The meds are starting to kick in and help with the coughing but I am still fighting to get enough oxygen into my lungs. Last night was especially difficult. I had to lie down several times at home after Mama and I went for a short walk to the garden and the coop. At the dinner at church I had to sit still for an extended time to get enough energy to go get a plate of food. I am feeling better this morning but not by much.

It has also been a long week for me and Mama. She has cooked each night, preparing two dishes for the table as well as two desserts just to make sure we had enough each night. We are overloaded with leftovers in both categories. Not that what she prepared did not get eaten, it did. But even a small portion of food brought home from each night has accumulated to a large inventory in our refrigerator. It is a good thing I like leftovers.

Mama and I are not done with our weeknights at church. Tonight we have FBI and tomorrow we have RU. Each of those generally keeps us out until after 10 pm. We will endure but we are getting pretty worn out. We are a little worried about the test we have to take this coming Monday night. We are not alone in that worry. Everyone in the class is pretty concerned about the study time we have used up in other ways this week. But God is good. It has all been done for Him.

I may get to sleep past 7 a.m. Saturday but Mama has a very full day planned –should I be up to it. We are going to till up a garden area for Kim Cantrell sometime that afternoon. Kim has a speaking engagement early that afternoon so Mama is planning for us to be at her home around the 3 pm mark. It should not take long to get a spot ready for planting; depending on how large a garden she wants.

Meanwhile our garden is doing very well. It needs to be weeded but compared to the garden we fought to maintain in Bowie, this one is a dream to care for. Everything we planted is doing very well and so far we have had very little damage from rabbits or other animals. There is something eating the nectarines growing on our little tree but other than that we look to be in very good shape.

It is nice to be on a property where we can actually grow things. Not one thing we have planted has struggled to thrive. That’s really encouraging for us.


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