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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Repairs, photo albums, studying, vet visit

It has been overcast, misty and cool for several days now with the forecast of such weather continuing for the next several days – interrupted by brief periods of sunshine or severe thunderstorms. It is the perfect weather for growing a garden. It is not quite the perfect weather for outdoor activities. It really reminds me of the area that Maggie and Aaron live in – except for the thunderstorms. It will not last much longer but it is nice while we have it.

I got out the parts I needed yesterday evening and repaired the brush hog – or the shredder deck as it is referred to here. The post that attached the rear wheel to the deck had broken off and I had some weeks ago bought a replacement part. It was a perfect fit and took only a few minutes to replace so I used the brush hog for about an hour while I got the deck adjusted. The rain stopped me just about the time I had things right where I needed them but it will be ready for the next time.

There are so many trees on our small property that it makes using the tractor a real challenge. Not that I mind the trees or mowing around them. The problem is the low hanging branches that inhibit passage for the tractor. We may end up doing a good bit of the mowing on the entire property with Mama’s Bad Boy. It is highly maneuverable and much lower than the tractor. We should have it looking like a park again soon regardless of the mowing implement used.

I helped Mama put together a small cheap bookshelf last night after we had spent a little over an hour studying – or rather, filling out our study guide. It is going to be used for photo albums. After the albums were placed on the assembled bookshelf I realized we will probably need a second one to handle the number of albums; many of which remain yet packed in boxes. It is fun to have them out. Brittany got to show Andrew a lot of pictures from her childhood the last time they visited.

Mama and Victoria are working on filling in the study guide for the first test and both are complaining about the volume of information. We still have two more tests to go; two more study guides to go. Next semester I will have the study guides prepared after the first class so we can fill them out as we go through the classes. This time we will just have to make do. After all, it is considered a college level course.

Victoria was off yesterday so she had set up appointments for the new pup to be checked out by the vet in Bowie – of course, she needed Mama to go with her. But before they left for the vet Erin called needing help with the children so she could make an emergency visit to the dentist. So, Mama, Victoria, the three kids and two dogs – because Rosie likes to go too – crowded into the vets office to observe the pups first encounter with the veterinarian.

I understand it was quite an affair. The vet is a great guy with two young boys so he thoroughly enjoyed having the children there. Luke wanted to open doors and explore – such is his nature – but the vet told him if he went through one particular door he would have to get a shot. Luke, who has had his fair share of visits to the doctor, was not sure if this doctor could give him a shot because he was an “animal doctor” and only people doctors had given him shots.

Spring is showing us which of our many trees will have to be removed. We have five dead ones near the house. I have not counted on the rest of the farm.


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