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Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The dog house, FBI

Victoria and Grandpa have been building a dog house in our back yard. It is not your typical dog house. It is eight feet wide, eight feet long and six feet tall. I am going to refer to it as our Canine Birthing Center. Victoria wanted a way to raise the pups Kira is going to have in a couple weeks somewhere outside the house - for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that I do not want the smell, the cleanup and the noise in the sunroom. At least with the pups being born this time of the year we will have less flies to deal with. I am not sure when the newborns - after they arrive - will be relocated to the birthing center but I have been told the plan is to let Kira deliver in the sunroom and soon thereafter move the litter out of the house. Of course, this will require a heater be run in the building. I have yet to see what type of door is to be installed but we will need a good one to seal it up against the cold. (I can already begin to see this as an epic failure. But I will certainly give it a chance.)

We had our second test for FBI tonight and I believe we all did well. I made a perfect score on the last test which was a complete surprise. I did not follow through in the same way on this one. I told Mama that the problem with this test - over the Life of Christ - had me a little more worried than the last one because all of the material was so familiar. So familiar that it made studying it difficult. I have found in my years of testing that when you feel more comfortable with the material you will be tested on you tend to let down your guard and not fully concentrate on getting the information perfectly categorized for testing purposes. Case in point, I focused on certain things - sequences, Chapter themes and required verses - more than on the more trivial items. Because of that I was thrown off by the very first question; who was the High Priest that presided over the trial of Jesus? Second to that was, Who was the former High Priest that also took part on the trial? You miss one, you miss both. I missed both. My focus was not there because I thought I already knew it. Oh, well. One test to go and this semester will close.

We have a dinner at church tomorrow night but that is little pressure in regards to the timing since Mama is off this week. She made a pot of beans with ham today and we will take that for part of the meal. I do not know for sure what she will be taking in addition to that. Grandma and Grandpa will be back over today so that Grandpa can continue to work on the birthing center even though Victoria is working. It may actually get done on time. But Mama will be occupied through the day entertaining Grandma.

My only lingering question about the Birthing Center is what to do with the building when we are no longer breeding dogs? A playhouse, maybe.


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