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Friday, January 6, 2017

Moving day, so many things pending, Seth’s injury

By this afternoon, I will be fully employed in the role I have been recently given. There are a few items I need to finalize in the Client Relations role but by late this morning all those obligations should have been fulfilled. As of late yesterday, I met with the leadership and learned my new job title and the pay increase that accompanied that role. It was very good news on both fronts. I also was told about my place in the org chart – who I will be reporting to. It is more of what ConocoPhillips would classify as an Independent Contributor role; no subordinates. I am looking forward to the change and the new challenges. I am also looking forward to the new atmosphere, which has been referred to as “the Library.” I will miss the busy-ness of the CR bullpen (at least a little) and will carry the experience I gained here with me to the new role, but I look forward to a more subdued atmosphere in which to work. I can always stop by the CR department to get a dose of the faster pace and higher noise level when I need to. I just hope I made things better having been with my peers there for the time I was with them learning their trade. They certainly helped me. I know I caused them a lot of extra work which will now have to be repeated as they bring a new person into the team. Hopefully, it will work out as well for my replacement as it has for me.
At the moment, there are a lot things pending; both small and large. Cori, Nate and the kids will begin the process of packing back up so they can head out Saturday morning. That will not be a simple process; nor will it be a particularly happy one. As I have stated before, this will be a completely new set of conditions for them to operate within. At some point in the next several days we will be closing on Victoria’s house – and all that will entail. Zach Burns has been working steadily on the roof over the past several days so he is fully vested in the project; looking forward to having the title in his name. I am sure his wife will come on board at some future point – when it looks a little more like a home. I still have several projects on hold that I am hoping will get started as I have access to more finances. (The raise I just got brings our finances on budget without having to rely on savings each month to meet that budget.) FBI will be restarting soon, so Monday nights will be filled through the Spring and into the Summer. It has been a good break from routine as we drifted through the holidays.
Mama called me this afternoon to tell me that Seth had been injured. The story line was that during a “tickle fight” his girlfriend threw an elbow at him and must have hit him pretty hard since the side of his face was numb and his vision was being affected. At the hospital, they told him that his eye socket was fractured and his cheekbone may be fractured as well. Mama called back a few minutes later to tell me that they were transporting him to a hospital in Ft. Worth for a CAT scan and further evaluation. Mama was heading to Bowie to get Grandma and head to the hospital in Ft Worth. I am not sure why but Grandma feels the need to watch over him as he is further diagnosed. She is in no condition to sit at a hospital but there is little else she can offer so we will help her give that much. Norman and Grandpa are all on board with the hospital to hospital transfer for the time being. Let’s see how that changes when they get the bill. As for Seth’s cheekbone, there is little they can do orthopedically besides wire the jaw together until it is healed. The real concern is that the eye socket may require surgery. We will know something late today but I do not anticipate any resolution today. Unless there is an emergency, surgeries are normally schedules days out. From my point of view, if this girl can inflict that kind of damage on Seth, she may actually be a good fit for him. 

Thankfully, I did not have to qualify Mama in that way – although I am confident she could have passed that test as well years ago.


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