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Friday, October 12, 2018

Re-starting, farm life, auctions ahead

I have found that it is easier to write this blog if I do so daily. A habitual practice. When I miss a couple days of doing so, it is more difficult to get my thoughts together. It is also difficult to separate out topics to write about when so many things have happened in the course of the time I did not get to put my thoughts into print. The old adage that it is pointless to steer a parked car applies. Inertia is a powerful force even outside the law of physics. So, in beginning again, I will simply begin…somewhere. I spent the last two days teaching classes. These were two different classes that my current employer offers. The two I am most often asked to teach. I was still at the home office, but by the time I got home Wednesday it was time to get ready for church. We barely made it to Tractor Supply after church for an emergency purchase of Hen Scratch. God forbid out chickens go a day or two without.

Though Mama and I had anticipated getting home earlier, there were a number of people that needed to catch up with Mama on her progress. She had missed Sunday night services. It seemed like a very short evening. I had spent all day standing while teaching so I was sitting as often as possible; potentially giving the impression that I was not any particular hurry to leave. Yesterday evening, I was worn out by the time I concluded my second day of teaching and found my way home. I did the minor things around the farm that Mama cannot yet do because of her knee issues but was back inside in short order. We are in the mode of preparing for rain almost every evening. That requires the feeders to be staged differently for the goats. They do not eat as well when the feeders are in the barn, so Mama will put them outside on days when the rain potential is not as high. Last night was one of those nights to move the feeders into the dry. She has me do the evening feeding because by that time of day she is completely worn out.

Mama and I spent the rest of the evening searching realtor sites for the houses that will be auctioned off in early November. Following the routine of our past trip to the foreclosure auction, we will spend the afternoon following the auction looking at the houses we are contemplating buying. Seeing them in person often has a profound impact on our decision to pursue the property. There are so many on the November list that it will be interesting to see how that auction goes. This coming Monday, after the auction concludes, we will know if we have money to buy a house at the next auction. My hope is that we will. Mama and I are not planning to tie up all our cash on one house to start with, but it could potentially work out that way; depending on what properties we are actually able to compete for. Regardless, we are getting ready for the next auction in the queue. It only makes sense to do so.

Mama and I had a long chat with the realtor in Lawton. He is now acting as our agent in these auctions. We do not need to attend. He will do the bidding for us – even if we are present. He explained that there was no need to create the impression that there was more of an interest in the property being bid upon that was absolutely necessary. So, at the coming auction (Monday the 15th). Mama and I will sit back and watch. I will capture notes as we go through the auction, so Mama and I can get a feel for the homes that bring the most money and the areas that generate the greatest interest. That will help us narrow our searches and coordinate with our realtor prior to each auction. I do believe Mama and I have found our niche.

Time will tell.


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