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Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Weather, sickness, travel plans, Maggie’s follow up

Mild mornings and pleasant evenings have been the order of our days lately. Rain had kept us under shelter more than was normal in the past three or four Spring seasons, but that is a blessing. Even though the days are ranging up into the 80’s, it does not seem unpleasant. For many of the past days, Mama has cut off the air conditioner and opened the windows. When it is humid, things in the house can get a little sticky, but for the most part, it airs out the house and blows out that “closed-up” smell.

Our lambs are enjoying the pleasant temperatures and seem more playful in the evenings when we are getting ready to feed them. In the absence of the ewes, they are calming down some, but it would take many months to get them as familiar with us as the goats are. Still, they are more playful than the goats when they are not running from us. The only issue with the goats is that they want to herd you as you enter the enclosure with them. It has not happened often, but when they push against Mama’s knee as she walks through them it can hurt her. Yesterday was one of those days that they hurt Mama. They were so hungry they were trying to get her to head to the feed trough not realizing that she needed to get to the feed first. As I struggle with balance lately, they have too often caused me to stumble – nothing dangerous, just something I have to watch for. 

The rain we were supposed to get this week has stayed mostly to our north and east. Though there is a significant threat of rain in the forecast, I may actually have to water our plants and trees tomorrow evening. I was telling Mama the other day that the current conditions remind me of my childhood. It was almost a certainty that each afternoon there would be a thunderstorm. Those storms would pop up between 2 and 4 pm, rain for about ten minutes and disappear as quickly as they had come. Leaving us with an oppressive humidity. Being north of the Gulf Coast, the humidity is not as bad here, but it is still a factor we deal with; usually by closing the windows and turning on the air conditioner. With the rains we are getting now, Mama and I are wishing we had planted a bigger garden. Maybe this Fall we will do just that.

I am still battling a deep cough. I know it is a disruptive cough in the quiet atmosphere of the Education department, but I feel the need to be at work. Since most of my day is spent sitting, it is not a hardship physically. But I am sure my cough is annoying. On the bright side, I am not the only one at work who is coughing. On the not-so-bright side, Victoria told us last night that she is starting to get a sore throat and Mama told me this morning that she is starting to get a sore throat. Mama is supposed to travel with Kim Cantrell this weekend – Friday through Monday. Victoria is traveling to Honduras next weekend. Leaving on the 10th and coming home on the 24th.  There is never a convenient time to get sick, but right now seems less convenient than most. Please pray we will all get well quickly.

Mama and Victoria are going shopping today. Hopefully, both of them feel up to the challenge. It is the last push to get all the requests met from Cori and the kids. Victoria has gotten packages from Amazon every day in order to provide items for transport to Honduras. So far, she is planning on taking just enough clothing to have three or four changes of clothing. The rest of the weight in the two suitcases she is packing will be items for her sister and nieces. Mama and I will probably be making our trek to Honduras in September – depending on my employment. We will not be able to do as Victoria is doing. Mama requires too many personal items to allow that much sacrifice of luggage space, but we can each take two suitcases, and I do not require too much for my own personal needs. If we follow the packing strategy we used last time we went, I will be carrying a backpack full of cereal and cookies, a suitcase full of items for our children and grandchildren a second suitcase with some clothing and the overflow if items for Cori, Nate and the kids. Mama will need the other two suitcases. That typically works for me.

Maggie goes back for a follow up visit to her doctor today. They will evaluate the condition of the tumor on her kidney to see if the cryogenic procedure was a success. We are all hoping the medical team likes what they see in that dye contrasted CAT scan. Maggie will need help following the procedure because they require her to take two Benadryl prior to giving her the dye. Sleeping that off is a must. If only they would give Benadryl to Walter and Cathryn as well. I am sure Maggie will work out the logistics of her recovery.

Your prayers are always appreciated.


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