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Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Classes, being thankful

The class yesterday went very well. Interested listeners. Willing participants. A good group of men. I had to quickly move from the HQ house to the office before class because the internet at the house was not working. That added a bit of frustration to the morning. Because I was broadcasting from a conference room at the office, I had to rob a charge cord from my assigned workstation in the office to make sure my computer had power to make it through the seven-hour class. The relocation and setup of the new location happened in about twenty minutes as I was moving quickly to get ready. But it all worked out well enough and perhaps sitting in a regular chair at a conference table versus perching on the stool I use at the house while stationing my computer on a raised desk saved me a little of the back pain I tend to accumulate during the classes. It was encouraging to get great reviews after the class. I will be teaching again tomorrow. Time will tell what location I will need to use.

I was not much good through the evening yesterday after getting home. I was feeling wiped out and nauseated but I paced through getting the animals fed and watered, setting out feed at the locations that needed it and tending to several unnoticed little things before I came in and sat down. I forced myself to get up and walk to the end of our road and back just to get the exercise and closed up the coops for the night upon my return to the farm just as it was getting full dark. When all that was done, I sat outside and listened to a book on my Audio program while Mama attended her meetings via phone. When I finally went inside it was only 8 pm. Too early to go to bed so I did the next best thing and stretched out on my recliner. Mama woke me at 9:15 to urge me to change and go to bed. I slowly complied.

I do not feel much better this morning, but I am trying to eat regularly in spite of the constant nausea. Fortunately, there are times of relief. I find that if I sit still and am careful what I drink, I can avoid the nausea for an hour or so. However, as soon as I move around and soon after I eat, regardless of what I eat, the cramping and nausea returns. Often with a vengeance. Oh, well. This too shall pass.

With all the nonsense going on around us and the fact that I do not feel well, it is hard to stay positive. At least to stay more positive than negative, so every day, several times a day, I try to rehearse God’s goodness to me and Mama. Every time one of our children call Mama to update her on events happening in their lives and the lives of our grandchildren, I thank God for my wife, our children and our grandchildren. Every time there is a positive bit of news concerning the health or recovery of someone we have been praying for, I thank God. Every time I get to teach a class for my current employer, I thank God. Every time I look out the window from my workstation at my father’s antique desk sitting our bedroom at the farm, I thank God for where we live and what He has blessed us with. Every sound from the goats, the chickens, the birds around us, or the barking of our working dogs, I have a reason to thank God. Every service we are able to attend with our church family, to sing, to listen to the preaching of God’s word, to share our prayer requests and to hear the requests of others, I thank God.

I am grateful past the groaning. I am hopeful in spite of the discouraging happenstances about us. I am walking more in faith than in fear despite the cumulative efforts of the world to keep us in fear. I see a prosperous abundance in my life regardless of the shortages the country is now experiencing. I see God’s wonderful will being done in our lives and it is more than enough to praise Him for. We have a hope that is steadfast and sure in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I am His and He is mine. I have the eternal promise that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day. He is the keeper by His promise and power. I have committed my life, my walk, my way unto Him. Whether I meet Him in the air or meet Him through death, I will surely meet Him one day. Sooner now rather than later. We have much to be thankful for.

I may not feel great physically and we may be challenged at the moment financially, but Spiritually I am doing quite well. Mama and I are continually thankful. Philippians 4:6-8 states Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Good advice. Wonderful promise.


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