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Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Positive thoughts

There is certainly enough to be negative about with soaring inflation, an invasion at our Southern border, government intrusion into our personal medical decisions and rampant, blatant lying, but that is not all that is happening in the world around us. We still live in the greatest nation in the history of the World. An experiment in self-rule that has survived far longer than those who created had envisioned. It is partly because of the fact that we have an expression of self-rule that we are in the despair that now troubles those of us who care about more than ourselves being gratified in the immediate circumstances. No person who cares about their children and grandchildren would enact legislation that will saddle those future generations with oppressive debt. A debt in which they had no voice.

Those setting the rules, the standards by which we operate, our laws, are making foolish decision for the sole purpose of maintaining their current power. Fortunately for us, there is a remedy. By virtue of our Constitution, they cannot maintain power without our consent – the consent of the governed. We can seek out and elect to office those who we feel would better represent us and our interests. Those who would look ahead to the consequences their decisions impose on their descendants. We have access to such individuals. Some of them are terrified of the wave of pernicious libel that will be leveled against them for simply disagreeing with those now in power and seeking to unseat them from that power. It is up to us to encourage those individuals to stand in the gap for us as we back them up, but we must do so vociferously.

We have a job to do. Let’s do it. We are the solution. But first we need to recognize that we have been a part of the problem. We have sat back and allowed our churches to grow soft and lazy when it comes to setting a moral standard for the unsaved population around us. The Apostle Paul admonished his protégé Timothy to “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.” 2 Timothy 4:2 We need to be positive in our stance on the Truth. Unapologetic, unmovable, well informed, gracious but unyielding. We need to do this. Not just our pastors, those to whom we immediately associate the task of “preaching”. We are the church. We have the message of hope. We need to share that message regardless of the “offence” we may engender. All across the nations our pastors are but thousands in number. We are hundreds of thousands in number. They can be overlooked by our opponents. We cannot be ignored.

I am as guilty as any other in my hesitancy to speak out when my Lord is maligned or His name is taken in vain, but I can see that that has not fostered any tolerance of my beliefs among those I have tried to be “respectful” to. So, why not share my beliefs, my love for the Lord as boldly as those who speak out against my beliefs. I have decided to standup and be counted. Such a bold proclamation is easy to make as I sit here in the privacy of my home; however, it is my desperate desire to let those around me know who I love, what the Bible tells us about our God, that the time is near when God will say “enough” and the open door of salvation will be closed to those who have had the opportunity to receive that salvation at any point in their life.

Let’s tell as many as we can. Let’s share the hope we have in this life and most assuredly in the everlasting life ahead of us.  God is in control. Are we yielded to Him? Do we seek to accomplish His mission in this world – to seek and save those who are lost? Regardless of the present circumstances, we can live in victory. Each of us can do a little and as the hundreds of thousands, the millions of us who hold our faith dear do that little in His name, we become an irresistible force for good.

It will take time. It will take courage, but we have a promise, “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Galatians 6:10 One promise from God is more powerful than the invisible forces that hold the universe in place.

We have all the power we need to make a lasting difference in the moral, social and Spiritual condition of the world around us. Let’s do our part and watch God do His part.

Little is much when God is in it.



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