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Thursday, October 7, 2021

Mostly bad news

I have not written in some days, and I apologize for the lack of time and enthusiasm that spurred that void, but to be brutally honest, the hesitancy to write this blog stemmed from an unjust negativity on my part toward the current stage of my health and of our nation. I do not like to be negative. I am, in large part, a positive person. Often to my detriment because I fail to fully consider the less peasant side of an issue, falling prey to outcomes that are less desirable than I had expected. Lately, I have felt awful, health wise. There is some speculation among several doctors that the malaise is caused by my gallbladder, but no one is certain enough to suggest a remedy. So, I have one more test to do to satisfy the curiosity of the surgeon who I met with Tuesday. That test is an ultrasound or sonogram. I was scheduled to have the ultrasound done early Tuesday morning but refused the test because I was required to front the clinic $518 for my portion of the bill. I felt like that was a ridiculous amount to charge when I have private insurance as well as Medicare. Unfortunately, the surgeon will not consider removing the gallbladder without those test results.

Working with the office staff of the surgeon’s office I have scheduled a sonogram with a facility in Fort Worth for tomorrow afternoon. I was hoping for an earlier appointment, but the afternoon slot was the only opening they had to offer. I will have to be fasting for the appointment but that is typically not an issue regardless of the late time slot. Right not, I have little appetite and dread the nausea that follows eating. I am hoping I can hurry from the testing facility to the surgeon’s office with the report and CD of the test for his consideration before they close tomorrow afternoon. I am not sure that will be possible, but I can try. Otherwise, I will deliver the results of the test Monday morning at the earliest. I am not in high hopes that the test will be definitive, but I do not know what the surgeon looking for, but I at least know there will be some results for him to look over with his diagnosis to follow.

The current COVID confusion is causing our society to wobble in a manner that is quite frightening. Why there is a steadfast refusal by a large portion of the medical community to just treat the illness rather than allow patients to progress into debilitating sickness as a result of catching the virus is disturbing. It really makes no sense other than to force people to unnecessarily fear the virus. To what end we can only guess, but the outcomes of that refusal to promote treatment for an infection versus getting a shot - a vaccine, so called - has resulted in untold, uncounted, unnecessary deaths. Not just from the illness itself, life-saving treatments have been refused to those who are “unvaccinated” and according to VARS, the Vaccine Adverse Reaction Site, thousands have died after taking the shop. Thousands of young men are left to deal with myocarditis, and scores of young ladies have been made infertile by the shot. If the timeframe for adverse reactions is stretched out to 14 days following the shot, the death count is over fifty thousand along with tens of thousands having life-changing medical conditions resulting from just one shot. Those of our population that are able to do so have taken upon themselves to provide their own medical care since easy remedies are readily available to us, further angering the medical community. Eventually, the lies will have to stop, and the truth will prevail, but at what cost.?

We no longer trust our medical doctors. We no longer trust out elected officials. We no longer trust our Federal Law Enforcement agencies who would rather prosecute parents disagreeing with school boards than to prosecute actual criminal behavior. We are at a crossroad and the sobering reality is that we are over a year away from exercising our vote to impose our choice of direction if the current leaders will not now consider our outrage. Things look bad, but they could be far worse. We are not among those that were abandoned in Afghanistan.

We live in the greatest country on Earth. Shame on us if we allow it to be stolen from us. Considering average life expectancy, I do not have much more time in this life, but before my life is through I would like to be among those who are actively trying to turn the tide of the wickedness we now suffer under back to righteousness for the sake of my children and grandchildren. For the sake of those we love that will follow after us we can be silent no longer. We can be “polite” no longer. We have work to do and just like those times in our daily lives when we allow something to go unattended until the mess looks overwhelming, we can answer the call to get involved in the cleanup project that will bring about the changes needed to ensure the representative Republic we call the Unites States of America survives the most successful attempt to ruin it that has even taken place.

Those in charge work for us, the American people. It is time to clean house. Lord help us to find those willing to serve us as leaders rather than serve themselves and their donors.


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