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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Prayer - a Wireless Connection, I know a song, Moving hearts

During our travels to West Virginia we came across a marquee at a small church off the beaten path. It read: Prayer is still the best wireless connection. I had my son write it down because I knew I would forget if I did not.
When I worked for Nazarene Publishing House in Kansas City, Missouri, the director was famous in the town for the “pithy” sayings he would place on the marquee. I am sorry to admit that I do not remember any of them (since I did not write any of them down), but I do remember smiling and wishing I could be that clever. This out of the way marquee reminded me of those days – except for the writing it down part.
We left for West Virginia much earlier than we normally do since we wanted to stop at Cabela’s on the way. We needed a fishing pole for a birthday present for my granddaughter and not just any fishing pole would do. It needed to be pink, preferably with princesses on it. Cinderella or Snow White might have done but Barbie was out. And it is difficult to know what you are getting sometimes when orders are made online. So we spent about an hour shopping, found what we needed for her and found the reel I was looking for, leaving without too many extras.
We arrived in West Virginia at a very early hour so we had an unusually long time to visit and it was well worth the extra effort on our part. On one trip to Ripley we were talking about our son traveling to Costa Rica this summer, learning Spanish, etc. My wife remarked that she had a very hard time absorbing the language, but she could easily sing a song in Spanish – referring to a Steve Green album we play often.
My sister-in-law said, “Then you’re covered. All you have to do when you go the store looking for fruit or something is say, ‘Wait a minute! I know a song with apple in it!’” My wife laughed and admitted that although she could sing the words she had no idea what the words meant. To which my sister-in-law replied, “Well it’s a darn good thing it is a Christian songwriter otherwise you could get yourself I real trouble”; which reminded us of the younger brother telling the prospective son-in-law how to say things in Greek in the movie “My Big Fat Greek Wedding.” My son is probably safe since he does not know any songs in Spanish.
Yesterday my granddaughter came very close to slamming her face into the concrete of the driveway as she got her foot tangled up getting out of the car. Luckily her mommy was there to catch her and save her from the fall. As she got her feet planted safely she turned with her hand on her chest and said with complete surprise, “Mommy, my heart is moving.”
Incidentally, so was Mommy’s.


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