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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A child shall lead them- Especially in electronic gadgets

Mama has been watching the Hottenson boys in the afternoon after school for about an hour. They like it better than after care provided at the school and I think Mama likes it too. There is not much time for anything but homework and a few minutes of play before they are picked up, but everyone makes the most of it.
Yesterday Andrew was playing the Wii – What else? Mama was watching. I am not sure what game he was playing but it appeared that Andrew was doing very well, as noted by Mama. I heard her say, “Get the box. It will give you extra lives.” “No Mama Kim. If I do this instead I get to have star power.” (I have no idea exactly what he did.) But with this power he proceeded to charge through every deadly obstacle in his path – as long as his character was flashing. Even Chase was impressed. I know because I head him saying, “Cool Andrew, you got twelve extra lives.”
I learned all about flying power and spitting power and crowding close to some kind of flowers giving you extra coins; that this wealth of knowledge was coming from the head of a five-year-old was either very impressive or very disturbing. Perhaps, for me at least, it is a little of both.
Knowing how much Cori and Nate love the Wii, I can only imagine the wealth of information I will be “schooled” with from my grandchildren over the next few years. My plan going forward is to maintain my current approach to video games of all sorts – I will avoid them; like I avoid board games and card games and other such competitions.
Going back to Andrew, as soon as his brothers finished their school related chores, the game was reset to three players and the types of comments I am more used to hearing started to wiggle their way back into the play. “Tony, you killed my guy.” “That’s the way the game is played.” Chase interjected. “No he did it on purpose and that’s not fair. It’s only fair if it happens on accident.” “Carlos you made me mess up.” “It wasn’t me it was Andrew.” “Yea, I did it on purpose!”
I will watch from the sidelines, happily unencumbered by the wealth of trivia needed to participate in those pursuits with any competitive advantage.


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