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Monday, September 27, 2010

Exploring Borger

I woke up pretty early Friday morning. I have not been sleeping very well lately – imagine that – and this morning was no exception. I realized that 7:30 a.m. there was really 6:30 a.m. in New Jersey, but I went with the better of the two numbers and got out of bed and dressed to go down for breakfast.
When I opened the curtains all I could see was white, thick fog and since I had no idea where anything was, I knew I had to stay put until it lifted and it turned out it was a good thing I did. The only drawback was that the fog did not start to lift until about 9:30 a.m. which seemed pretty late. So I stayed in my motel room and studied, trying not to fall asleep.
My interview was not until 1p.m., but this day was all I had in Borger and I needed to make the most of it. So as soon as I felt I could get safely onto the nearby highway, I ventured out with the Garmin to guide me. It was a good thing I had waited because I turned the wrong way at the very first intersection – a sort of double-decker circle – but I could not see where the GPS wanted me to go in the remaining fog and my navigator was in New Jersey. I find it difficult to drive alone after twenty-eight years of hearing, “Turn here, Honey! Here! Here! Here!” from the passenger seat.
My first stop was the building where I was to interview, which took me through “downtown” Borger, all two blocks of it. I’m sure there is more to it than that, but I could not find it. And my next stop was the Christian School I had seen mentioned on the internet. It turned out to be less than three blocks away but I drove by it twice before I found it. I had to call the receptionist to see if I was in the right place because there was not a single car in the parking lot.
As it turned out, I was on the wrong side of the building so I drove around to the north side as instructed and went in the building. It seems they are not at all used to visitors because every question I asked was pretty difficult to answer for the woman I found at the reception desk. Is this an Independent Fundamental Baptist Church? Do you use the ACE program in your school? Are all subjects available? Do you have any openings?
“I can give you a brochure, but you’ll need to talk to the Dean of Students” “Is he here?” ”Not right now.” “Thank you for your time. Sorry to interrupt your day.” She did not ask for my number so he could contact me, so I didn’t give it. Sometimes it’s best not to push your luck.
It did not take long to explore the rest of Borger, at least what I was willing to drive through. I even stopped to look at the only grocery store I saw in my poking around and was asked by a lady in one of the check out lanes if she could help me. I have to admit I was wandering rather aimlessly. All in all she did better than the receptionist at the school. I was back in the hotel by 11:30.
All during my drive I was thinking, “This might be rough on Chase.”


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