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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Second chances, Chase’s quest

Our realtor suggested another bank – of sorts. It is a farm credit agency in Decatur which can loan us the cash to purchase the farm. I got the paperwork late yesterday. Unlike the bank loan application, which was over twelve pages, this application is one page plus a separate release for permission to check our credit report. I figured, why not? I still have to provide a Wise County address for the application. Weird! The property is in Montague County at the very edge of the county line.

Grandpa is very excited about this property and it would be wonderful to get him started on it as soon as possible. He is putting together a three year and a five year plan for us to work off of. I am putting together a five year and a ten year plan which will include setting up the herb shop – hopefully in Bowie. It will give Mama and Grandma something to do to contribute to the income. I am hoping that will not become problematic.

I have had many second chances in life and I suppose Grandpa has too, but for both of us, the purchase of property to farm successfully really is a second chance. Grandpa did very well for many years on his farm in West Virginia, but sold it to start the business he and Norman ran for almost a decade. That, sadly, did not end well, and left him flat broke. This really is a chance to restart a tested and tried successful business model. I would love to share in that opportunity.

Chase is still putting in applications and going to interviews. It is interesting to see him approach a store manager and ask if his application has been reviewed. I am still not sure how he does on interviews but I know that he has asked to have Sundays off at every job interview – gutsy. It is something our pastor has insisted on and Chase has been bravely following through. This alone has been the turn off for at least four job possibilities and though he is disappointed, he is undeterred. God will respond to that kind of obedient faithfulness. It is simply a matter of time.

Anyway, he has an interview at Sam’s today as well as Cheddar’s and someplace else I cannot remember. I am not sure if any of the three will promise him Sunday’s off, but I am pretty sure he will ask. Mama is rooting for Sam’s and I suppose for his personality and “patience” of motion – translate that “he moves so slow even Grandma can out pace him” – it is a good fit. His heart is in the right place, now if we can translate that into actual muscle movement and brain responses we will have a glorious success.

Mama finally wrote the puppy’s name down for me: Ketsia, or Ketsi for short – as if it needed to be shortened. No wonder I could not remember it. I had to check the spelling on the internet. Very sad!


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