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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Staff meeting, no lucky bug, flying Friday

Today I have a meeting with all of my staff, less one who is out on maternity leave. It should be a good face-to-face for all the ladies I have charge of since some of them will be meeting for the first time. I asked Mama to come up to Borger so she could go out to lunch with us. Some of the ladies have not met her either. Victoria asked to come also and I originally said “no” since the three little ones would have to come along with her and Mama, but I am thinking about reconsidering.

I have put together an agenda that we probably will not make it through but you have to start somewhere. It has been a good experience leading in this atmosphere; where most everyone is happy to have a good job and has few complaints about doing their job. I am hoping, in the future, when we have our herb shop the lessons I am learning now will give me some reasonable ability to run a business – from the personnel perspective.

We went out soul-winning last night and I was extremely tired. Mama went with me as well as Maggie and three other young ladies from the church. We had a very good time in a large apartment complex – several good visits, several prospects for the church. On the way to and from the girls watched Mulan on the little screen in the car. One of the girls had never seen it before and she loved the line when, after Mulan is discovered and they are sitting in the snow on the mountaintop lamenting how they have been living a lie, the cricket confesses to Mushu (Eddie Murpy’s does the voice) that he really is not a lucky bug. To which Mushu replies, “You told me you was a lucky bug. You mean you li-i-i-i-ied to me?” She must have repeated it a dozen times laughing harder each time. I can’t imagine what her parents will think when they will have no history on where the line comes from.

Mama is setting up with the realtor to look at several properties on Friday. We will leave Amarillo at 4:30 to 5:00 a.m. to arrive in Decatur at about 9:30. The properties are all in the Bowie, TX area. All are more reasonably suited, price wise, to our budget. I am particularly interested in a tract of eleven acres for $40,000. Mama is leaning toward a tract of twenty six acres for $110,000. She has mentioned that we should consider buying both properties since the combined price is so low. My response was, “What would Dave Ramsey do?”

So we will not literally be flying, but it will be an over and back trip in one day. Grandpa is going with us so he can see what we are considering. I enjoy having his insights. I am not sure that it is not an effort in futility since I asked my boss yesterday where we stood on making the move. His rather sour answer was that he has yet to convince his boss of the value of the relocation. So nothing is definite; which is why I am leaning toward the smaller piece of property. If it will be several years before we can make a home on it, I do not want to greatly limit my financial options by overextending at this point.

I am ready to go. I am also ready to wait.


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