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Friday, December 2, 2011

Sick, doctor visit, shopping

I was out sick yesterday. I got to feeling badly late Wednesday evening and stayed home from church; which is very rare for me. When I got up in the morning, I just got right back in bed. I got to feeling better through the day, so between sleeping in and eating carefully, whatever was making me feel bad worked through my system. I must not be totally recovered because I woke up seriously late this morning, but I got up and made it to work.

Being off yesterday gave me the chance to go to the doctor with Mama. She saw a sleep specialist. We are investigating the possibility of sleep apnea. Over the past few months her symptoms have gotten worse and we finally agreed that the time had come to see what can be done to help us both. We both liked the demeanor of the doctor. Mama does not care at all for the overnight observation required of her for the diagnosis. She is allowed to bring her fan and a book to read – nothing else. She is truly dreading it; a dozen electrodes glued to various places on the head and face, two elastic bands across the chest and abdomen, and a special instrument resting below the nose make it a lot less like a hotel room than they tell you it is.

Her appointment is scheduled for early January, but with the changes we are going to have in our health insurance, we are trying to get her in before the year end. In order for that to happen we will have to be on “hot standby” for a cancellation. It might be better that way. If it comes about suddenly, it could be easier for Mama. The nurse scheduling the appointment told us there were almost always cancellations through the week so we will continue to pray.

We spent the entire day out. Good thing I was home sick. We went to the insurance agency, three stores and Sam’s, and finally, the Laundromat. I spent way too much money trying to plan for the time we will be gone this month. Since Victoria and Chase will be alone much of the month and since Brittany is planning on coming to Bowie to spend Christmas with them, we needed to stock up on foods they could easily prepare – translate that put in the microwave.

Victoria, like her brother Joshua, does not mind cooking but also, like her brother, does not like to clean up. While we were out yesterday, Mama and I stopped at a baked potato place to try their special; a baked potato covered in pot roast and gravy. It was delicious. While there we spent quite a bit to time talking to the owner. When we talked about cooking he explained that he liked to clean up as he went and often used the same pan for several items before he was done. It sounded very much like me and Mama remarked so. I am not sure my children have adopted that method – or if they even noticed it happening as I cooked. Chase won’t even put the lids back on the peanut butter and jelly many times, much less prepare any food. So don’t even think about him cleaning up outside of Chick-fil-A.

I am not sure if we saved anything but we got a lot of items for the money we spent – which in Mama’s account book is saving. We have a store called Panhandle Salvage and as Mama and I shopped there yesterday we found several items we will go back and pick up for our food storage supply. We are taking three steps forward and two steps back with the implementation of food storage. When we have been out of money and needed something, we pulled it out of our supply which is the correct manner, I suppose, but it does not seem to accomplish what my idea tends toward; then again, I have never been a hoarder.

Like building the ark, it is difficult to follow through on an idea whose time has not yet come.


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