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Thursday, January 5, 2012

So long Chase, Bowie, TX

Last night was Chase’s last service at our church here in Amarillo until he returns from New Jersey. His little girl friend came to the service and it turns out that she is distantly related to our pastor. It was a long goodbye for some, but everyone realizes that he will be back after graduation. A lot of different people took time to wish him well but his bus captain offered the best parting shot. He said Chase had been in Texas long enough that his going back to New Jersey will raise the IQ in both states by ten points.

We have two large suitcases set out for him to pack and he kept telling me that he did not know if he would be able to fill them both. (Obviously he needs a woman in his life to help with that.) So Mama and I both began to ask if he had included certain items, his suits, winter coats, his hoodies, all of his shoes – dress, sports and casual – etc. I think he will be able to fill them to capacity with a little help.

He will be boarding a plane on Saturday morning. His graduation is scheduled for June 1st. We are still wrestling with what college he should attend for the year I am asking him to spend in Bible College, but we are leaning to one in Oklahoma City. I forget the name at the moment, but it comes with the recommendation of our pastor. Chase and I did not get the chance to check it out but if he is still interested, we will do so this coming summer.

Next week when we are in Bowie, Victoria is hoping to interview for a job at the Tractor Supply store there. I have no idea how that might turn out, but I pray for her to be prepared for the face-to-face discussion. I am a little worried about a disappointing outcome. She is pretty frail emotionally at the moment and this sort of interaction challenges her far beyond her comfort zone.

She will be a great help to Grandpa on the farm and I will be glad to have her there. I am still a little concerned about her spiritual growth. At this point in time I think Grandpa may be the best person for her to be around. She needs some type of emotional healing and his listening ear and gentle approach to Victoria might be the perfect combination to begin the process. I do not know in any certain way, but I do know that the Lord knows and will open what doors He will and will close what doors He will to get her to the right place.

If that happens, Mama and I will be on our own for the first time since Joshua was born. I get the impression that she is beginning to like it that way; or at least not mind it so much. It gives her the freedom to spend time on the farm whenever the opportunity arises. That is a good thing for me. It is one of the reasons she is hesitating on the foster care idea. It would limit such travel for her.

As for me, it is a whole lot more fun for Mama to be in Bowie than it is for me. I do not enjoy working out of that office as much as the office in Borger. I have very limited time on the farm when I am there. I enjoy what time I do have there, but it is not the vacation for me that it is for Mama.

This too shall pass. For right now it is enough that she loves it as much as she does. It is good for her to be this close to Grandma and Grandpa. It is a real blessing to have Grandpa there to maintain and improve the property.

Thank God for the job He has given me to make this possible – regardless of the challenges.


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