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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Baby horse news, loan officers, my pains

Rain, the mare due to foal, was examined by our horse expert friend and he said that we would have a little one in less than a week. Mama is seriously contemplating going over to the farm after church on Sunday. I will not go until next Thursday evening as we have planned, but she wants to be there for the birth – if possible. It was also mentioned that we may come to the farm and see a new baby at any time between now and this time next week.

Really, the only thing keeping Mama here is the fact that we have to sign papers on the mobile home – probably tomorrow. Though not absolutely necessary, it would be better to have both of our names on the title. We got the call late yesterday that we should be closing on Thursday evening, but if insurance inspections hold us up it could move out to Friday.

Mama got a call from the sales lady who has been helping us with the financial negotiations warning us that Mama was overheard saying that Grandma and Grandpa will be living in the mobile home and paying for it – as well as other details, you know Mama. Turns out, it offended the financial officer there and she was prepared to deny our loan if this was not to be our primary residence. Petty people have petty ways. We were warned to answer correctly if we are asked about that issue.

I told Mama to be sure and let me handle it. We do not need any explanation, any incidental details, and expansive answers. The truth is that the mobile home will be the only habitable residence on the farm. By default it then must be our primary residence at 548 Van Bebber Road. They do not need to know any more than that and if pressed, I will tell them so. All the finance people need to know is that I can pay for the home. Anything beyond that is none of their business.

I can still count on one hand the number if times I have seen it rain in Amarillo. This morning is one of those mornings. We have seen more snow here than rain so it is good to see the gentle soaking rain that seems to have been falling through the night. Mama watered the weeds we call a front yard late last week and the growth response was phenomenal. I can’t wait to see how much things will grow when the sun comes back out. Even if Mama mows the grass/weeds tomorrow I am sure I will need to mow twice more before I leave next week. We could be coming back to a mess since we will be gone two weeks.

Although I am looking forward to going to the farm next week – I have even scheduled vacation for that time – I am a little worried since I have been suffering some severe back pain lately. Working an hour out of Amarillo presents some scheduling challenges when attempting to see doctors, dentists and chiropractors; ergo, I have not seen anyone yet, but I really need to. There are projects waiting on me when I get there; projects I cannot do while I am hurting this badly.

The pervasive attitude at work is not a happy one. I am not adding to the glee in the things I have been asked to do; shuffling people around, letting contractors go, taking trucks away from people who have had them for years, etc. Those of us who have been through the same readjustments several times are becoming convinced that we are being positioned to be sold. No one can be sure, but the signs do indicate that is the path we are on.

God is still in control and He has allowed me to position myself to be ready for such an event. If I do lose my job it will be interesting to see if I have thought it through clearly enough.


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