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Monday, March 26, 2012

Loading our home, waiting on horses, hatchlings, checking churches

Mama held off rushing down to Bowie. We had a great weekend taking furniture items as well as a washer and dryer to the mobile home to be delivered this weekend. Since we signed the papers on Thursday we were allowed to put some of the more bulky items we were going to send to the new home, into the home so we did not have to make an extra trip to get them there. Mama and I made two trips by ourselves and we made one trip with help to deliver the washer and dryer.

We had a line on a washer to buy for the mobile home but that did not work out. It was a used washer in the style Mama really wanted to try out, but it sold while we were at soul winning on Saturday morning. I guess it was not the one the Lord wanted us to have, so to make sure there was a set in the mobile home, we put ours in there. It may cost me a small fortune to replace them when we get back, but it made some practical sense to give ours up to meet the need.

Mama called my sister Sarah to ask her some questions about the washer we were going to look at since she has a similar one. While they were talking Sarah told Mama they were trying to hatch eighteen guinea eggs. Fabian’s mother has a flock of about seventy guineas and they had collected some of the eggs to hatch for us so we could start our own flock on our farm. Why she has been able to accumulate so many is beyond me, we are 0 for 4 so far on our attempts. Maybe that’s why Sarah and Fabian are starting with eighteen.

Mama will be heading out to Bowie some time this morning. The horse is waiting on her to get there before she delivers – or so it seems. If the foal did not come last night, which we will find out this morning, then Mama may well have her wish to be there to witness the birth. At any rate she will be in Bowie this afternoon. I will follow tomorrow afternoon. After working Wednesday and Thursday in the Decatur office, I will have Friday and the following week off. I am looking forward to that.

Plans are for us to go to a church in Nocona on Wednesday night to check it out. Victoria is not happy with the little church in Bowie so we will check out one she found online. She was excited about the website since it reminded her of Somerset Bible Baptist. Going on Wednesday night will give a better representation of what the church is all about. Mama and I are not church hoppers, but since Victoria is there for the long term it makes sense to help her find a church she can stay with for the long term – without having to drive an hour or more each way to services. We may end up with that commute, but we will work our way out to that option.

I am meeting with our accountant today to look over and sign our tax return for last year. It is not as bad as it could have been and I am rearranging deductions and withholdings to cover the bulk of the debt in a two year period. It seems almost certain that I will have to be paying taxes from this point on in my life so I had better get used to it. If the farm generates as much income as I am anticipating, there will be no way around giving my “fair share” back every year.


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