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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

We go the car and the mobile home, ancillary projects, Joshua

We got a call from the bank yesterday afternoon that we had been approved for a loan on the little car. We are going to meet with the bank today to sign papers and take the car home. Chase’s truck will be put in reassigned parking in back of the house by the detached garage, but it is really a place of honor since I parked my company vehicle there for the short time I had one.

We met yesterday evening with the mobile home people to review that loan. It comes with an exorbitant interest rate and what may turn out to be expensive insurance, but we will have to deal with that as best we can. It is not a large loan, it is not a long term loan but it is difficult financing to arrange so we will accept it and pay it as we look for other options and seek to pay it off early. The payments with insurance and taxes will be about $380 per month. Since the rent Grandma and Grandpa are currently paying is $675 per month, it should be fairly easy for them to keep up with.

While we were out yesterday we found the tubing Grandpa needs to put together the sprayer. He needs about one hundred feet and we were able to find forty six feet at a farm supply store. They are ordering another seventy five foot roll that we will buy when it comes in. Grandpa is getting really excited about his sprayer project. So far it has cost me around $900. I think the final cost will end up at about $1400; for a five hundred gallon sprayer with a thirty foot reach, that’s a bargain.

Mama has a company lined up to do the septic as soon as the trailer is set and Grandpa and I are already planning the electrical and water connections. They plan on paying rent through April so they will have the whole month to make the move. We have tentatively set up the delivery of the mobile home to the farm for the 29th of March. By May Grandma, Grandpa and Victoria should be living on the farm. Hopefully, our turn is coming soon.

Mama spent some time talking to Joshua on Sunday. He is doing quite well after his relocation to Victoria, TX. He is living with Master Joskie’s father who is in his mid eighties. It is a good arrangement for everyone. The father has a sound car which Joshua is free to use and may be given at some future date since the elderly gentleman cannot drive. Joshua has been going through a series of interviews with Sam’s and has a very good chance to get a job there, however, there may be better options.

Somehow he connected with a man who runs a safety company that does oversight for several oil companies in the Victoria area and he was impressed enough with Joshua to offer him a job. From what I know of the oil field, that would be a VERY good job; not only from the standpoint of pay, but also from the standpoint of advancement potential and marketability. It is an aspect of the industry that will not be going away, regardless of economic influences.

As he pursues work, Joshua is making arrangements to complete his Black Belt and take courses that will translate into a private practice of alternative healing; pressure point therapy, massage therapy, magnetic therapy and herbal counseling. I hope he makes it there much sooner that I have been able to.

Meanwhile, back on the farm…The pigs are on the mend. The horse is getting very close to delivery. The trees, vines and bushes are flowering. The onions, peas, beans and corn are poking through the ground in the garden. We should be able to see the potato plants introducing themselves to the north Texas sun when we get there next weekend.

Grandpa will access the hail damage from violent thunderstorms yesterday when he goes to the farm this morning. The heavy rains are predicted to continue through today, minus the severe thunder storms. The plowing is done in the meadow but we will have to wait until things dry out to disk and put the seed in the ground.

We are very close to seeing our vision for the farm become a reality.


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