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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Busy evenings, working girls

Wednesday evenings are very short for me. By the time I get home and spend a few minutes talking to Mama it is time to get ready for church. I do not mind it. We plan to accommodate the limited time at home, but it does feel a little rushed at times. Living where we do adds an extra hour and a half of travel time to anything we do at church, but it is worth it – so far.

I was looking forward to getting a few little things done this evening but that is not going to happen. Mama and I have been invited to an International Dinner at BBTI. Mama will be baking today in preparation for that event and we will have to leave the house by 5:30 this evening to make it to the dinner. It will be another rushed, late evening.

Tomorrow night is RU. It will be the same baking routine for Mama and about the same timetable for me. Mama and I are getting worn out, but it’s a good kind of worn out. There is some satisfaction in knowing that the things we are tiring ourselves doing have a spiritual significance. “Only one life will soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last.” I hear my pastor say that quite often.

Last night I was invited to a wedding. One of the young men recently saved through the RU program is getting married to his long term, live-in girlfriend. It will be a very simple affair but I do not want to miss it. What it represents in his life is very important.

One of our more fun struggles is finding enough egg cartons to put eggs in so we can give them away. We are getting an average of eleven eggs per day. I eat about three eggs per week. Mama and Victoria average far higher and Mama uses a dozen or so in her baking every week. That still leaves us about four dozen, on average, ahead of what we can consume. That is a lot of eggs to give away – and Mama insists on putting them in egg cartons. I have included a picture of our working girls.

Mama spent a hour or so getting one of the guineas out of the shop yesterday. She thinks the noise the guineas make reminds Kira of a chew toy – and she loves chew toys, especially when they can be chased. I do not think she did any permanent harm to the bird, but it was in no hurry to expose itself to another round of Kira’s game of tag.

The piglets are warming to Mama and Victoria and all four of them are enjoying the process.


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