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Friday, April 11, 2014

Dinner, repairs, plans, bait

Mama and I enjoyed the international dinner last night. There was a vast variety of food and it definitely had an international flavor. Mama did not prepare too much because she had been out until late in the day at a vet appointment for Rosie – who is suffering from some stress-related illness. How eighteen hours of sleep interrupted by bathroom breaks and feedings can cause stress is pretty hard to imagine.

The only thing I can imagine is that Kira and Allie have caused her so much frustration when she is focused on begging for Mama’s handouts at every meal that it has finally affected her physically. It is either that or she has a dreadful fear of the vet.

On the way to the dinner we dropped the truck off with our mechanic so he could evaluate the air conditioning system. It is no longer blowing cold air; in fact, it barely blows any air. On the way back from the dinner we checked in with the mechanic. He told me we have a leak in the a/c compressor; a gasket is leaking at the fittings on the back of the unit. He said of all that could have happened it is about the best possible scenario – and a very easy fix. The total repair price will be a little over $200. We will be dropping it off for the needed repairs this afternoon.

I do not have very high hopes of getting much done this weekend. I am taking off the afternoon from work to get the truck to the mechanic and hoping to work some in the garden to prep it for planting tomorrow – Mama wants to get the plants and seeds out ASAP. I also hope to plant the variety of plants we have for her special flower garden. Whether we accomplish that or not remains to be seen.

Trade Days happens this weekend and Mama and Victoria are in full flea market mode. Mama is hoping to snag another pair of boots from the person we bought some from two months ago. Victoria is hoping to get more of the honey she really likes. I have nothing particular in mind but always enjoy the time at the market. One thing I do not need is more trees or shrubs to plant.

I do need a better mouse trap. We are battling mice in every building. They are worst in the mobile home but we are seeing evidence of their occupation in the apartment also. It is pretty funny to go out to the chicken coop to shut them up for the night and shine a flashlight into the coop. You will several mice running for cover from the light.

I think we have come across a bait dispenser that will be safe to use in the coop and barn to set out poison for the mice and rats. I have to be careful not only of the chickens getting into the “bait” but also the dogs. We have one entire tray of Decon eaten one afternoon and Mama and I are not sure which dog ate it.

None of them have shown any symptoms of poisoning but it is something we really want to avoid in the future. With the way every animal on the farm thinks everything we have in our hands is a treat for them, I have to be careful what I set down anywhere – especially poison.

I have grown a little frustrated looking for another vehicle. I have not even settled on what we need exactly and prices are out of sight. I suppose I really don’t like shopping; even on that level.


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