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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Doctor visit, work, Mama’s garden, storms

Victoria and Mama went to Denton yesterday to see an ENT that someone at the church had recommended. Mama was impressed by the doctor. He diagnosed the drainage from Victoria’s ear and the knots around it as a skin condition – or rather a severe skin irritation. It is easily treatable and we should see some quick improvement once Victoria begins to use the creams he has recommended for her. They were both happy it was not a waste of time.

I had a very productive day at work yesterday. With a new employee to take over some of the little things we have not had time or focus to do I am starting to see some order come out of the tasks we have her taking on. That in turn allows me to go back to the things I have neglected over the past few months. My boss can already see the difference.

I had to get his feedback on several little personnel issues yesterday morning just about as soon as he arrived at the office. We took about twenty minutes to work through the three and come to consensus. As I was leaving I thanked him for the time and he replied that that was more stimulating than a cup of coffee, adding, “We should do this every morning.” I looked at him and answered, “I certainly hope not.” But I thought it was an interesting take on the discussion.

When I got home I got started on the flower garden again. By the late evening I was able to take the tractor and add the dirt required to fill the little garden up to the retaining strips I had just put in place. It came out looking pretty good. Mama was impressed and is gung ho to plant her flowers, bulbs and dwarf holly bush. It should come out looking pretty nice when we are done.

I also put the cage we have used for raising chicks into the chicken coop. On Saturday we cut out the wire that had been used to separate the coop into two areas. I am not sure what the purpose was but we needed it down to enable me to get the cage into the far side of the coop since that’s where Mama wanted to raise her little ones.

She is set up for now and expects to get the new chicks tomorrow. At least, that is when the feed store is expecting the shipment to come it. At some later point I will have to replace the wire to separate the coop again so we do not have the bigger chickens pecking at the little ones before they have time to grow to a reasonable size – and defend themselves. Mama is very particular about that.

We are supposed to get some severe storms today. I am not as worried about tornados where we live as I am about the straight line winds the storms can generate. A year ago we had two shed roofs completely torn off by those winds. I spent several evenings after that getting the tin out of the trees on our property and replacing those roofs.

At the time we had pigs in the pig building and were concerned they would get overheated by the lack of a roof. The storm took off tin and rafters in a matter of seconds. Then, when the roof hit the ground the impact shattered the boards and the wind sent the tin aloft. Some of it was mangled beyond use. That is what I worry about happening with these spring storms. The really discouraging part of these storms is that they generally have very little moisture associated with them.

We will see what comes and make the necessary repairs- if needed - once it is past.


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