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Monday, February 12, 2018

Friday’s mishap, Saturday’s revelation, Becky’s big win

I took the day off Friday. I was not feeling great, but I could have stayed at work – I just needed some time away. Mama did the same. There were not any young ladies at school that day, so Bro. Zach did not necessarily need her there to intervene. The weather forecast Saturday to be windy and very cold, so it was nice to have the extra time to work outside. We got a lot of little things done. One of those little things was to build a separate little area for the baby goats Lin and Alex were going to pick up at Trade Day’s. I carried some wire panels, helped shovel out the old goat manure, hay and dirt to tidy up the little metal building and drove a couple tee posts to stabilize the panel put in place to separate the little ones from our dwarfs. While Mama did some inside things, I worked on deepening a post hole for a portion of fence I am adding to the new enclosure we are setting up for our Dwarf Nubians. It was hard digging, but nothing I had not done before. After Mama rested a bit, she and I stretched out some field fencing on the pipe fence inside the new enclosure. By the time we had all that done I was in miserable pain.

Somewhere along the way, I did something that pulled a muscle in my chest and I felt like I was having a heart attack. The pain only intensified through the evening and night. I could not get comfortable anywhere, so I slept only about two hours – even though I had taken a strong muscle relaxer. I was finally able to lay on my stomach across the bed in the spare bedroom and sleep fitfully for those two hours. Saturday, I loaded up on analgesics and was able to cope but I was truly miserable. In order to make use of the time, I worked on our taxes. That turned out to be a very good use of the day because it took most of the day. That night, Mama and I went to the church, so we could work on our business and I would be available for the Men’s Prayer Meeting. For the first time we were able to find a house, do the research, run the numbers and feel like we actually accomplished what we were trained to do. That night I was able to sleep most of the night. Sunday morning, I was able to lead the singing, but by Sunday night, I was hurting too badly to lead the music through that service.

Grandma and Norman came over late Saturday afternoon. Norman is installing a set of propane logs for us in the fireplace. It will be nice to have that option to help heat the large room. There was a propane log set in the fireplace, but Mama and I thought it better that we buy a new set to start off with. Norman was able to get most of the fittings and attachments but had to stop short of getting it all done because of one little fitting. So, we’re almost there. Mama and I bought the propane by exchanging bottles at Walmart on our way to church Saturday evening. Mama is very excited to get the fireplace working – even if it is propane logs.

While Norman was working on the fireplace, Grandma talked with me for a few minutes about why she and Grandpa have been so mad at me and Mama. Mama was not surprised by what she said, but I was. She had to spell it out for me because as much as she insisted that “You know what you did.” I did not. As she explained it to me I thought, “You could not possibly be more wrong.”  But, I did not say it. At least we know now what has been festering.  I am not certain how to deal with it, but somehow the Lord will show us at some point. She asked for forgiveness because the had “ought against” me, and she certainly has my forgiveness, I just would like for the truth to be spoken and heard. Soon, maybe.

Rebekah called Mama Saturday to let her know that she had won first place in a chili cookoff. That was a surprise. I don’ t know whyt hat is hard to imagine – but she has the ribbon to prove it. Kudos Beck.


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