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Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Trials, exploring, spending

Mama and I were disappointed by the last weather incident that wasn’t. There were predictions of ice and freezing rain, a slight chance of snow and the possibility that we would have the day off due to unsafe road conditions, but none of those things happened. It did rain last night – for about ten minutes. That was a disappointment as well. We desperately need rain. I was watching the claves in the field across the street from us kick up trails of dust as they played. I would expect to see that in July or August, but it is not the ground conditions I would expect in February. Oh, well. There is nothing I can do to change the situation, but I am starting to think that I should water my outdoor plants on a warm evening. They probably need another drink.

Yesterday at work was a difficult day – computer wise. I was asked to migrate some documents from one spot on our server to another folder on the server. I made the moves and was not able to open an of the documents I had moved. It was a bit frightening. I had spent days creating the PowerPoint presentations and accompanying Word documents and I was being told that the documents no longer functioned because of a directory issue. With IT help, some of the connectivity issues got resolved through the day but there are still lingering issues this morning. On the bright side, my boss, who really needed access to the documents, was able to get that access. These are not items I want to have to recreate, but I may have to none-the-less. It was not a fun time.

Mama and I continued to explore the websites we were given for our real estate business and quickly discovered that we need a more robust internet connection to operate effectively in most of them. We were working from home because of the weather conditions. In spite of the slow internet response, it was still two hours well spent but we are just now at the point of being able to ask the kinds of questions that will move us forward. I finished out our working time by continuing typing up the notes taken during training. I have not gotten through day one yet and have five pages of typed notes. I am finding it very helpful to go back over the notes, to expand where required, to spell out the formulas in words as well as numbers and to capture the thoughts behind the written notes. I do not know if we will ever refer back to these notes once we are grounded and succeeding in this business, but it helps to do a thorough review of what was presented. I am still amazed by how simple the formulas are.

While I was slaving away over the keyboard, Mama and Victoria got on Facebook and started watching the LuLa Roe lady introduce her ‘brand new” releases. I had already fussed at Mama a little because she made three separate purchased of clothing from as many sellers either Saturday or Sunday. Now she was begging to buy one of the newly released dresses. High neckline, black and purple, stretchy, bla, bla, bla. Even though I told her no, she was way over her limit for the year, much less the month, she reserved one to try on. Just to see if she would like it. For future reference, of course. I am just not sure how to stop the madness. But she did get a scare when we found out that our Discover card had been compromised at some point along our spending trail.

Unfortunately, that may not be enough to stop the spending madness.


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