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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Back on a schedule, Exercise problems

After over a month out of school, Chase is finally back in his studies. Mama said he really loves the school, but I have not had time to talk to him about it. I did see him briefly at basketball practice last night but I was not able to hang on late enough to spend any time with him.

Mama and I both had a very rough night Sunday night. It was one of those nights when you never really get to sleep; like you have spent the entire night napping. I did not know she was having the same problem until we talked Monday morning. We both felt like we were up for a few minutes every hour, then every half hour, then finally sleeping well when we needed to get up. It made for a long day for both of us.

So, back to Chase, it was only 9 p.m. when his practice ended but we had gone to the school to pick him up at 8 p.m. thinking that was when practice ended only to be told that he was practicing until 9 p.m. I was dragging when we got there early. I did not want to try for another hour. So I will catch up to him tonight.

He is going to San Jacinto Christian Academy. It is set up very much like a public High School in that there are different classrooms he has to go to for different classed, teachers giving lectures, chalkboard activities, cafeteria, study hall, etc. It will keep him busy for the remainder of the school year. The problem is that is we have to move this coming summer; this semester will be his only time in this school. That’s a little bit of a bummer.

I submitted a long list of missing items to our shippers yesterday. They were a little embarrassed by the loss of our things and promised to track them down. We will have to wait to see how that turns out. In the mean time I am not feeling the loss too badly except for the loss of all of my hammers. Mama wants me to hang pictures so I will have to replace at least one hammer even to do that simple chore.

Cori was telling Mama yesterday about an expression our granddaughter used to describe a situation she had corrected for her mommy. Cori had put Blake (now five months old) in a bouncer so he could have some time out of the arms of any adult or child wanting to hold him. Since Nate’s family had just left it seemed appropriate to let the child have some free time.

Mykenzie came to her mommy and explained that Blake had been “squishing out” of the bouncer, but not to worry, she had “squished him back in.” Cori had not heard any crying so she knew things were alright so she had her three-year-old show her what she was talking about.

Blake had been sliding down in the bouncer and ended up slipping to one side. He does not yet have the best posture. His sister, worried by his uneven pose in the cloth seat of the bouncer, had simply straightened him up by “squishing” him back in properly.

Thank God babies are resilient.


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