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Monday, November 22, 2010

Unpacking, Too much stuff, Dumpster diving, Brian Regan

I went to work this morning but after getting there I felt bad about the mess in the house and the garage and left for home at about 8 keep a.m. I found Mama at breakfast and surprised her. After we got the hotel room emptied we left for the house.

I had to fight the urge to keep from getting overwhelmed as I opened the garage door and began working through the enormous collection of boxes. Mama had arranged for help to come on Saturday so I had to get far enough ahead to give them something to work with. I realized that we would have to handle the boxes several times to get things where we would finally need them and I came to the conclusion that we would have to rent a POD to give us the storage space and also limit our repeat handling of the boxes we were not going to unpack.

I did start to unpack and began to throw away some items. I found out pretty quickly that I could not let Mama see any of the things we were dumping because she removed several things from boxes we had set aside to throw away. From that point on I had the boys put things straight in the dumpsters that are stationed in the alley behind the house. The dumpsters closest to the house were soon very full and I began to worry since I don’t know the schedule for emptying them.

It turns out I did not have to worry because early in the afternoon a couple women came by and got nearly everything out that we had put in that morning. They even stopped to see if I had anything else ready to throw away. I guess it would have saved them the trouble of getting it back out of the trash.

I finally had to quit about 5p.m. I was out of energy and we had to get ready to go see Brian Regan at the Convention C enter in downtown Amarillo. It turned out to be about ten minutes away. Now I can get into that!

Mama said after the performance that her face hurt form laughing so much. I felt terrible as we were driving home because I could not really remember very many of the joke he or the guy who opened before his told – except one.

The guy before told of a time when, because of a spill he took into a backyard fish pond he had to run to the basement and take off all his clothing to get out of the wet, smelly cloths. As he raced through the house naked, he saw his wife talking on the phone and wondered how that conversation was going, but nothing was said in the moments when he returned fully clothed, except, “Would you like a sandwich?

“Sure. A sandwich would be great.” As they ate, he asked, “Did you see me run through the house naked?” “Yeah” “Any questions about that?” “No” He explained that that is one of the fundamental differences between men and women because if a man saw his wife run through the house naked as he was talking on the phone, he would immediately hand up and go find out what was up.

Funny that I should remember that one.


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