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Monday, November 22, 2010

Still Unpacking, Neighbors

Saying we are still unpacking is like saying we are still breathing. We spent the entire day opening boxes, shuffling the contents and setting aside those things we are going to leave packed up. I am especially annoyed by the boxes and totes of Beanies. This is the fourth move I have carried them through and tried to make space for them as many things more important to me have been let go or kept outside to accommodate these useless space wasters.

This is the third move in which I have been promised that they will find a new home. As it has turned out the last three times the new home was one we moved into. I have told Mama enough is enough. Her Beanies are finally back in Texas and here they will stay. Of course, our next move is probably going to be in Texas, but I hope it is not an idle threat.

Help arrived today and Mama had a great time with two ladies from the church as they unpacked things mostly dealing with the kitchen. As they unloaded the third box containing nothing but boxes of cereal they really began to tease Mama. The final count was over thirty boxes of cereal – but it was all bought on sale. When they unloaded a box containing nothing but spices – over sixty containers – they began to talk about intervention. God bless them!!

One neighbor in particular caught our attention. I met her on Friday as she stopped to ask if we were having a garage sale. She is a frazzled, lonely older woman, a recent divorcee – it is pretty obvious why when you see her – and a non-stop talker. She would not go away and I could not run her off. I suggested that the ladies witness to her because it is obvious she needs help, but they all thought it was more entertaining watching me deal with her. Awkward!

When Mama finally shared a tract with her she began to tell me about a time of desperate loneliness (my words) in her life when she begged God to send someone to comfort her. As she prayed her dog moved from the far end of the couch and took up residence on her lap. It was the next day, she told me, before she realized how her prayer had been answered. After all, she explained, dog spelled backwards is God.

I did not offer any other thoughts. I just begged God to send Mama back out to rescue me.


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