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Friday, July 22, 2011

My new boss, a wedding plan, short nights, Chase

I got to meet my new boss briefly yesterday. He seems like a pretty easy going person. Time will tell as his management style becomes apparent. I have a longer meeting with him this morning so I will get a better feel for him personally. He told me he had his wife with him as he is traveling from place to place meeting his staff and their teams. I can appreciate that.

I talked with one of our land specialists yesterday about tracking down the mineral rights to our property and it turns out to be pretty difficult. He is very familiar with the land we are buying and with the courthouse where all the deed records are kept; doing the research will be tedious and potentially fruitless. He said he spends $300k per month on people to do just that. I think I have other more pressing concerns at the moment. That kind of effort can wait until winter.

It looks like Cori and Nate will host a wedding in their new home. Mama says Cori is stressing out about it since so many little things need to be finished in order for the house to look like a wedding venue, but I think Aaron and Maggie will be forever grateful for the hospitality. The date is still in question so stay tuned for further developments on this life-changing exclusive story.

It has taken some time for Maggie to accept and adapt to the flux in which she must operate but I see signs of real progress. I would not have given my daughter credit for her adaptability, but love has a way of refocusing our hearts and I can appreciate the change I am seeing in Maggie – for her and Aaron’s sakes.

Mama kept the little ones last night for the second night. I think the two smallest really like the arrangement and the oldest is always willing to go along. All in all, it is not a bad deal. Although it keeps Mama and Victoria from having to get up at 5:30 a.m. it gives them responsibility for the 3 a.m. feeding – six to one, half a dozen to the other.

Mama was excited last when she got to watch the baby roll over for the very first time. For some reason that is a milestone moment for the women in my life. I am not sure if everyone feels that way but I know they do. It is tantamount to taking the first steps – which Mama may also see if we stay here long enough. She is worried about losing Victoria to the farm. The three would be a real chore without the help. Somehow I know she’ll find a way.

Chase is excited about the prospect of working forty hours a week at Chick-fil-A. That enthusiasm may be short-lived but for right now it is fun to watch him add up the dollars in his head. It is more fun to hear him spend them three or four times over as his wish list builds. He will start home schooling (with Central Baptist Academy oversight) next month. Again, he has big plans on how he is going to accomplish all this but it has yet to be proven an effective plan. He is not an early riser, often sleeping until noon on a day off, and he will have to be up early every weekday morning to get the work done. Mama has never been one to enforce a schedule so it will largely fall to Chase to make it happen.

I am a little concerned but willing to let him try.


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