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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Thanksgiving, farm influences, hunting

It is hard to believe that next week is Thanksgiving. I know Mama and I have talked about the plans we have for dinner and travel – although I am not sure we will have enough money – but it really is here. All the buzz is about Black Friday. I guess retailers are trying to drum up sales but prices are already pretty low so if things are not drastically reduced I cannot imagine there will be any monumental deals.

Mama is a little anxious about this holiday season since we are not close to many of our children. She dreads the thought of Thanksgiving dinner with only a few attendees, but that is what we are anticipating. Chase and Victoria are driving over for the meal but both of them will have to return quickly to Amarillo due to work. I know Joshua, Brittany, Maggie and Becky and Charles will be able to celebrate the day with friends if not with family, but they will most likely not be with us for the event; Christmas looks even less well attended. Mama is trying to pare down the Thanksgiving menu and portion size to meet the needs of the smaller crowd, but I predict we will be eating leftovers until Christmas.

We are planning on being in Bowie for both holidays because I have time off during those holidays and I would rather spend that time near the farm. It tickles Grandma to death since she is far from everyone right now and does not travel well any more, but it has been disheartening for Mama to consider.

Mama’s and my focus on the farm must be contagious. Cori said even her friends are teasing about her “city kids” talking all the time about the farm and farm animals. Grant has always been obsessed with animals, but Mykenzie, at a recent tea party – to which her mother was invited – allowed her to pretend she was Mrs. Davis and that they were having the tea party on her farm.

Cori tells us that Mykenzie wanted to call her by her first name during the party but she (Mommy) does not allow that to be done. As a compromise to that mommy offered that she could pretend to be someone else for the party. So she became Mrs. Davis and the party was reinvented with the farm theme. I don’t know if it was a girl’s only party but I am sure Grants animals were not allowed at the table.

Rain is predicted for most of the week of Thanksgiving. That will limit our construction activities but it will provide the perfect weather for hunting. I have not been hunting in many years and I have encouraged Grandpa to get his hunting license this year. With the two of us legally registered we can tag four deer each. If we do the butchering ourselves we will not need the tags, but it is better to be safe than sorry. Even hunting on our own land we are required to have a license and since we do not know the game warden, I choose to play by the rules.

While we were burning the refuse from the garage we tore down I went for a walk. It was well after dark but the moon was so bright that it had the feel of early morning. The shadow I cast in the moonlight was pretty impressive and I knew I would not be able to sneak up on anything, but it was pleasant to be out. As I was walking back to the fire I noticed something moving towards me. It was following the fence line straight to the chicken coop – and it was huge.

It turned out to be a skunk. The biggest skunk I have ever seen. Grandpa and I had been wondering what had been digging by the coop and leaving huge piles of poop at various locations around the buildings. I had a .22 rifle and there was not enough light to properly aim, but I took a shot anyway. I am not sure if I hit it, but it definitely changed course.

Maybe next time.


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