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Friday, November 18, 2011

Young hearts, dog news, Grant

Cori had Mykenzie call Mama (Grammy) last night and tell her that she “knows Jesus”. Cori and Nate have been praying for all of their children that they would come to know Jesus as their savior and while sitting on her bed, Mykenzie asked about that. As best I could understand, that led to a discussion and a very simple plan of salvation and Mykenzie asked Jesus into her heart. Praise the Lord! We realize it is not a finished work but rather a wonderful, early beginning.

Critics may argue that she is too young to understand and there may be some validity to their concerns, but I would rather err on the side of praying with a child who will come to a fuller understanding as they learn and grow than to tell them they are too young to understand that they need Jesus in their heart. If they can understand what sin is, they can understand salvation and their need for Jesus’ help. Our job is to carefully instruct as they grow into a fuller understanding of the Lord, but allow them to adopt and internalize as much as they are able regardless of their age. Salvation is not about what we do, it is about what God does for us in Jesus and a heart that is ready to receive Him should never be turned away.

The pups are growing fast. It is almost disappointing to see them so dirty though. We are committed to making them outside dogs but the baths they were initially given quickly lost their effect as they romped in the dust of Amarillo. I am not sure if they will ever be the clean, white little balls of fluff they once were – however briefly. I suppose clean dogs do not make good guard dogs and they do not mind each other’s darkening fur. Victoria plays with them constantly and is trying to get them to follow on a leash. They both love the play, not so much the leash.

We are planning on taking Samson with us on Sunday afternoon because he needs shots and worming. The vet in Bowie is far less expensive than the one we have used in Amarillo. By the way, the Amarillo vet sent us a sympathy card when we had to put Ketsia down. I thought it was a very nice gesture. Victoria and Chase will probably bring Sasha with them for the overnight they are doing for Thanksgiving.

Grandma and Grandpa have adopted a stray. I have not seen it but they describe it as a lab mix. They are feeding it but unable to get near enough to pet it. My only worry is how it will react to the pups and Rosie when we bring them. If it is a wanderer I would hate to have them led astray should all of them get along. So we have to be careful. I think it would be best to have it checked out by a vet but Grandma and Grandpa do not have the money to do so. I have paid enough vet bills so I am not willing to do so; at least for now. It seems like bad timing but we have dealt with that before.

We never did get our donkeys; disappointing. Especially for Grandma who had great plans of selling them. Speaking of disappointments, Cori discovered that Grant, who has been studying a booklet of small animals and talking with Grammy about which ones she should get for him, discovered that he was expecting the real thing – not the toy version. Her discussion with him to set the proper expectations left him very disappointed and Mommy and Grammy heartbroken. But it is far better that it happen now than upon delivery of the play items instead of real animals.

For his mommy and daddy’s sake, we will keep the real animals on the farm.


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