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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Meetings, church, Lucy and Rosie

Yesterday was a meeting day. I was in meetings from 8 a.m. until after 4 p.m. It was not unprofitable but it was not enjoyable. Today will be more of the same with the added bonus of having to travel an hour away to get to some of the meetings. So added to the meeting schedule is four hours on the road. It is looking more and more like the schedule my boss keeps.

The panhandle division of our business is celebrating two years without an incident or injury. That is a monumental accomplishment for the industry we are in. So, there is going to be a steak lunch given to about two hundred people to congratulate them on the accomplishment. It will be a three hour event with the lunch and the following presentation. I have to arrive an hour and one half early for meetings with my staff. It will be a long day.

Church was great last night. We ended up staying after the service was over so I could practice with the group I was assigned to sing with. Our song leader picks certain men to sing a song and puts them on the music schedule which is then handed out to those who sing special music. So it is always a surprise announcement for most of us. Fortunately, the schedule is handed out way in advance so we have time to get a song ready.

Two of the men in this particular group love to sing but can’t so we are always arranged so that the two of us who can sing get closest to the microphone. No one seems to take offence to it and the congregation and pastor seem to enjoy the variety, so who am I to suggest anything different? Besides, with Mama and I out of our home church so much the past few months, such a singing arrangement works out pretty well for me.

Victoria went to church in Decatur last night and until we talked to Grandma after we got home from church we thought she had gone by herself. We found out that Grandma went with her. Her excuse was to be with Victoria since she would be driving home after dark, but Grandma really likes the church. Grandpa refused to go because he feels it is too far to drive; that’s sad. We will be going every service we are in Bowie and Victoria will be going to every service she can attend. Families from the institute will be going once that restarts so there will always be a way to get there. Three trips to a church thirty miles away each week seems a manageable expense, besides it is for the Lord. He will provide if we are willing to go.

Mama and I will do whatever we can to be in a good church and I am proud of Victoria for making the effort as well. I am not sure what it will take to motivate Grandpa to service on God’s terms but that is something he will have to work out on his own. As long as he allows Grandma to attend with Victoria so she can sit under the preaching of the Word of God there will be some growth between the two of them.

Mama had arranged to pick up Lucy, Brittany’s dog, from the couple that is keeping her after church last night but practice took so long that she rescheduled. Bobby and Sandra De La Garza really enjoy the little dogs company so they were not offended by the time being extended. I don’t know what the new plans are but I will go along with whatever arrangements are made.

The original plan was to take the dog with us to Colorado next week to see her real mama, but I am not sure if that is still in the works. For the moment, the little dog has a happy home and our pup sitters are completely thrilled with the arrangement. By the time Lucy gets back to Brittany, she may be a little confused who her human owners actually are, but I think she will cope with however it works out. She will be spoiled regardless.

Rosie is at the farm gaining weight under Grandma’s not so watchful eye. Mama is worried about that especially with Rosie’s age. A little too much weight on her could have severe consequences to her health, but to this day Mama is the only one who has been able to keep her trim and very healthy.

Too bad those methods do not work on me.


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