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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Playgrounds, Victoria, building hindrances, Chase

Grandpa and Mama have big plans to rearrange the calf lot to be able to allow the calves to get into a bigger portion of the lot That will enable them to run around a little; a playground, so to speak. It is a great idea since the enclosures we are now using are pretty small. All of the calves will benefit from the romping room. The problem is that we have to let them out individually. If they are put together at this young age they will start sucking on each other’s ears, noses, etc.; whatever they can get hold of.

Right now, after we feed them they suck on a board, the wire of the enclosure, the feed box where we put a small amount of feed; anything they can get their lips and tongue on. It is pretty amazing to see. It is the same as a suckling baby needing a pacifier. All of them are doing well right now and we do not want to jeopardize that in any way.

Victoria is doing better also. Not well enough that we will not keep the doctor’s appointment tomorrow, but better. She is finally able to eat without it either coming back out or charging straight through. I am anxious to see if we can find someone who can help us identify the cause so we can get her back on track. If she is willing to endure the diagnostic process, we should be able to put together a plan for recovery and maintenance.

I was telling Mama last night that I have to watch my attitude at work lest I fall into the temptation of seeing the negative more than the positive. There is a pervasive attitude of negative in this office. It is not overwhelming but it could be if allowed. I have never been a negative person; barring the times I get to feeling sorry for myself. People here are overloaded. One of my peers is very concerned about his job; extremely unhappy, feeling like he is never going to catch up and expecting to be penalized for it during this year’s review. I know help is on the way, but it will be year end before any real help is incorporated into our group. Until them we will have to do the best we can; get as much done as we can. This too shall pass.

On the farm front, not all is positive either. Our building projects are going slowly as well. When the needs are for $1500 to $2500 for each piece of the project, it can get a little overwhelming. I am clearly not going to meet my deadlines for this year if the sole source of the money is from my salary, but borrowing the money is not the most prudent approach to getting this done either.

Our goal is to pay as we go and I know we can do it with the cash the Lord is supplying, but the duration of the project will be much longer than I had hoped. The blessing will be that it will be paid for on completion. Mama suggested that we use credit cards to pay for the materials and the idea initially appealed to me, but on further consideration, I am not inclined to do that. It is unwise t borrow money at 25% interest; essentially, that is what happens when a credit card is used. For now, we are planning to take the long road of cash as you go.

It is not all bad. We have a place to sleep. Our things are stored securely. We are seeing progress every day on the apartment and shop. Our giving program is going strong and we are putting little portions of money into various savings accounts. We are not hurting – except from my own sense of failure at not meeting expectations.

Chase seems to be doing well. It is difficult to tell from this far away. I know he is doing well in school and is beating all expectations in sales in his job at Sears. I pray he is doing well in his walk with the Lord.

That is ultimately all that matters.


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