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Friday, October 12, 2012

Smorgasbord, riding, construction completions and plans

As we were feeding the calves last night it struck me that the dogs are really enjoying this. Mama was scolding one of the big dogs for eating from a pile of straw and dirt that had been scraped out of the calf stalls when they were cleaned earlier in the day. Sasha was not eating the straw – or the dirt. What I realized is that we are giving the dogs and whatever other creature that eats poop a smorgasbord of poop to choose from; horse poop (I believe that is their favorite), calf poop, chicken poop and whatever the guineas litter around the property. It must be difficult to choose; dog food, people food and left overs. What a life!

Later in the evening Victoria, Mama and I went to halter the horses and work with them for a bit. It took a few minutes to gain their cooperation but all in all, they did pretty well. Victoria rode Jazz bareback – which really blackened the seat of her pants - for about thirty minutes while I led Misty around. It was pretty pleasant. I do not know if the horses enjoyed it – until they were given special grain and hay as a reward for their participation. They also got doctored up with fly spray. Mama has been diligent in that.

While we were in the horse pasture we saw some signs of hogs having been through the area very recently. They had torn up the ground under several of the oaks in that pasture digging out the tiny acorns that had fallen there. Maybe it was not in our best interests to expose that ground by brush hogging it, but we did it for the horses, not the hogs. It gives us a better understanding of where the torn up hog’s head came from that the two big dogs had been eating on for the past several days. (I think Grandpa put it in a box and threw it in the dumpster.)

Today Mama and Grandpa are going to get the metal roofing and the lumber to cover the equipment shed Grandpa and I framed up a couple of weeks ago. We need to have it done before the rains begin in earnest. I will have to make some changes to the way we have anchored the supports in the ground, but we should have it done by Saturday evening. I will not work in the rain this weekend like I did when we framed it out.

Grandpa and Mama completed the hookups for the waterline to the shop and to the calf lot. Now we have everything covered and hydrants installed at the shop and at the calf lot. It is a major improvement in how we are able to handle water for the calves. Grandpa is very contentious about keeping clean, fresh water for the calves.

The little ones only now need to drink water as they begin to eat grain and hay, since most of their liquid needs come through the milk we give them, but we have made sure it is available since the day each of them arrived; having it right there, a few feet away, saves a lot of work. It also makes things start to look thought out and complete.

It is our hope (my hope) to pour another portion of the slab at the shop and get that all roofed in at the end of the month. It is only a matter of money. That will change the looks of the farm completely. We are also planning on using the log package we bought to build a barn, which will be set up with stables. The long range plan is to be able to accommodate four horses. That should begin next spring.

My plan is to tear off the roof and upper story of the farm house and use the materials from that demolition to complete most of the barn loft and roof. If all goes well we should not have to buy too much new lumber for the project. We will save the new lumber for redoing the farm house.

It is only a plan, but all the residents at 548 Van Bebber Road are excited about it.


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