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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Saving vs. spending, the round up, ladies night out

The days seem to be flying by and I do not feel I a getting anything accomplished. I do know from experience that it is easier to spend money than it is to accumulate it. That is one of the frustrations I am feeling right now. I have had to adjust my time table several times for the second pour on the shop and I will have to push it out even further now. I had hoped to have Mama in the apartment by Thanksgiving, then Christmas, now I might be shooting for Valentine’s Day.

I am not overly discouraged because I know the wait will be worth it, but I had hoped to do better financially than I am doing at the moment – for Mama’ sake. Everyone is getting along well but it would feel more like home to have a place of our own even if it is only six hundred square feet.

As I got home yesterday I saw all of the calves out in the area near the calf barn. They were not too scattered about but staying pretty close to familiar territory. I think they knew it was feeding time. Grandpa decided we would wait until the bottles were ready to place them back in their stalls. So as we carried the bottles out we herded them up.

I had to get one out of the equipment shed. He had gotten in and could not get turned around enough to get out. Once I got his started in the right direction he knew right where to go. Victoria held back the stampede while Grandpa and I got each one placed in the correct stall. It only took a few minutes of dusty confusion for our bovine wards, but the whole exercise was enjoyable – since the little ones are so easily managed.

Mama told me she got a haircut yesterday. I am glad she announced it rather than making me guess. I would not have noticed – I never do. I am not sure why I do not see these things but I never have. She has often asked me if I like her hair short or long. I have always replied that it is entirely up to her. I suppose after thirty years of marriage such things would no longer be areas of deep concern, but that is not the case. Grandma got a haircut also and I could not have told you that either – unless I was told.

Now, if she changed her eye color or the shape of her lips, that I would notice because my focus is almost exclusively on her face. Once she got her hair permed into tight curls. I noticed that. Another time she got her hair cut very short. I noticed that, too. But yesterday’s cut was a slight shortening of her hair, even though she described it as “a lot take off”. That, I did not notice; even when I looked carefully. I will have to chalk it up to a “woman thing”. Mama just smiles and kisses me anyway. She’s happy. I’m happy.

Speaking of women things, Mama and Victoria are going with the ladies of the church to Denton this evening. The women are going to Golden Corral for a special event to thank them for their help in the nursery and with the toddlers at church. It is Dutch treat as far as I know, but the time together is what it important. Mama is looking forward to it. Golden Corral has a chocolate fountain on their dessert bar.

Besides since it will be only women there, they can each look at the other and say, “I really shouldn’t be eating this, but it is so good.” (She really shouldn’t but she will anyway.) And since each of them are doing exactly the same thing none of them will feel the least bit guilty about the indulgence.

That is what makes it so much fun.


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